Planning For Initiation

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About a month later, Y/N was feeding Skarlet his own blood that was dripping from a fresh wound he had deliberately made. Skarlet had told him that blood helped her grow stronger, and so Y/N was letting her feed on his to help her heal. Once Skarlet had the amount she needed to recover, Y/N sealed up his wound

"Thank you Y/N. But why did you save me", Skarlet asked. Y/N sighed

"No one should be left to die. If I could, I would have saved more people but you were the only one I could save", he replied.

"So what are your powers?", Skarlet asked.

"As a god of space, I can summon black holes, harness the power of stars and breathe in space. Also as a god of matter, I can summon whatever i please. Buildings, weapons, anything", he said and to demonstrate he summoned a fountain of blood. Skarlet eagerly jumped into the blood fountain and began absorbing it all into her body. When she was finished, she climbed out and Y/N made the fountain disappear.

"I feel so much stronger. Thank you Y/N", she said with a smile

"Do not worry Skarlet. No one should suffer and be weakened", Y/N replied. Frost soon arrived

"Your training ideas have helped me get stronger. Thank you Master", she said with a bow. Y/N chuckled

"No need to call me Master. And some credit belongs to you for your perseverance in the training", he replied and Frost nodded.

"So what are we going to be doing now?", Skarlet asked and Cetrion walked up

"We have been taking interest in a school that may improve your skills greatly. It is known as Beacon. Only the best of the best go there. We spoke with someone who seemingly runs the school and we have put you three up for initiation to become students. We shall prove to them that you three will pass the criteria and enroll. Do not fret, we will be there too. And when you become students, we will need to meet with the highest authority in the building and discuss our conditions", she explained. Y/N seemed confused

"Why enroll us in a school mother? When we can train here.", he asked and Cetrion took a moment to reply

"We see it as an ideal opportunity for you to socialise with others. Learning more about the mortals of this world can improve your skills with the mind as well as your powers", she replied.

"Will all three of us be going?", Skarlet asked and Cetrion nodded

"You three will be attending. We have identified an ideal spot that can be used as your 'initiation', as the people there call it", she replied. Frost seemed excited to go, Skarlet was uneasy and Y/N remembered something he heard years ago. Willow telling Weiss she'd be enrolled at Beacon and Y/N wouldn't be there to make her life hell. Cetrion noticed her son was feeling uneasy and placed a hand on his shoulder

"My son, is something the matter?", she asked and Y/N nodded

"I remember something years ago. My former sister Weiss will be there at Beacon", he replied and Frost tightened her fist

"I'll spill her blood!", she growled and Y/N touched her shoulder

"Don't let your anger at the insignificant overcome you. Focus on the important things, mainly your training", he said gently and Frost nodded in understanding. Y/N turned to Cetrion

“When do we leave?”, he asked

“You will leave tomorrow when the initiation of other students is over. They will be watching your initiation. Do try and keep your anger at your former family under control. We would not want you to fail”, Cetrion replied before she floated away to discuss other matters with Kronika, Geras and Shinnok. Y/N looked at the two women

“Let us continue our training. We must always be strong and be prepared”, he said and he took Skarlet and Frost to a training ring. While Skarlet watched, Y/N sparred with Frost. Frost was quicker than Y/N and a lot more flexible. She managed to deal a few hits with her ice drills and land a few hits with some ice shurikens, but Y/N managed to dodge or parry her other attacks, even her attack where she fired a giant beam of ice from her chest, before sweeping her legs and summoning a jade spear, pointing it at her throat. He then got off her and helped her up

“You are learning much, very quickly”, he said as he bowed to his student

“Your training and teachings are helping me learn much faster than anyone I remember”, Frost replied as she returned the bow.

“Be sure to train yourself while you are alone. I cannot be there all the time to guide you”, Y/N warned as Frost climbed out of the arena

“I understand, Master”, she replied as Skarlet got into the ring. The two took their positions and began to spar. Skarlet summoned a blood scythe and swung it at Y/N, who just managed to dodge it. Y/N summoned a scythe of his own and the two began to clash. During the clash, Skarlet took use of her blood magic and began switching between scythes, spears, daggers and whatever other weapons her blood magic allowed her to create. This proved to be a challenge for Y/N because he had to keep switching too, but he soon managed to gain the upper hand with a chained hook which he used to pull Skarlet’s legs out from under her and step on her chest, holding his spear at her neck

“You really proved a challenge for me”, he said before he stepped off Skarlet and helped her up

“You weren’t even using your full power and you easily managed to defeat us both. How?”, Skarlet replied and Y/N sighed

“The powers of being a demigod which can control space and matter are quite vast. If I used my full power, I would probably have killed you both. And I don't want that”, he replied before the three of them went to get something to eat. Cetrion noticed them arriving and she noticed they looked tired. Using her powers, she formed a special soup made from plants for each of them.

“This soup can help your body refresh and your mind clear up”, she explained as the three of them began to eat. Once the soup was finished, Frost laid back with a satisfied sigh

“That was a really nice soup. I’m gonna go rest up for tomorrow’s initiation”, she said getting up. She bowed to Y/N and Cetrion before heading to her room. Skarlet got up and stretched

“I think I should too. I need my energy”, she said as she got up. She gave Y/N a wink before she headed to her room. Y/N looked at her before turning back to Cetrion

“I’m not sure what is with Skarlet, perhaps she has taken an interest in me. Hard to say for sure”, he said. Cetrion smiled

“Either way, you have done a remarkable job training those two. Frost, despite her arrogance before you saved her, has learned to control her power under your guidance. I am so proud of you”, she replied before pulling her son into a hug. Y/N happily returned the hug before the two broke away

“I should probably rest up for the initiation tomorrow. I remember what you taught me mother. Get plenty of rest, and do not stop training yourself”, Y/N said before Cetrion kissed his forehead

“Rest well my son”, she said and Y/N headed to his room to rest for the initiation tomorrow

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