Family Reunion

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"Ugh, her...", he muttered and Weiss stepped up to him

"You think you belong in Beacon? You don't! You're a freak, an abomination and a failure", she said before she went to hit Y/N but Frost caught her fist

"You think you have the right to talk about my teacher that way?! I'll show you!", she shouted and punched Weiss into a tree. Weiss jumped against the tree and landed on her feet

"Looks like the failure is training others to be just as lousy as he is. I'm leagues better than you", Weiss said with a smirk. Y/N laughed

"You're a mortal. I am a God!", he said and Weiss laughed louder

"You're no God! You're a freak. You should have done everyone a favour and just DIED!", she shouted. That pushed Y/N over the edge. He summoned a massive steel cage filled with spikes and trapped Weiss in it before he levitated it up and hung it on a tree. He took Weiss' rapier from her and looked at it, before turning it into dust and scattering it over the wind

"Tell me, how does the 'leagues better than you' attitude fare without your weapon and without a way to escape?", Y/N said before he laughed and turned his back on her

"LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU FREAKSHOW!!", Weiss shouted but Shinnok stepped up

"You will mind your tongue mortal, or I will personally remove it from your mouth", he said conjuring up a razor sharp knife. Weiss shut up immediately and Cetrion stepped up next to her brother

"Your actions have consequences, mortal. You claim to be better than my son. But tell me, when virtue comes into actions, how do you feel knowing that the boy you shunned and pushed aside for years has more virtue in his small finger than you have in your entire body?", she asked. Skarlet stepped up to Y/N

"May I taste her blood?", she asked. Y/N thought about it

"It may not be advised. Her blood reeks of arrogance and pretentiousness. Ingesting her blood may cause the same effect on you", he warned. The seven of them began walking away from Weiss, ignoring her screams and threats. Eventually a tall blonde haired girl arrived and punched the cage, destroying it and freeing Weiss. Weiss pointed at Y/N telling the blonde that he deliberately attacked her without provocation. The blonde immediately ran to Y/N and went to punch him, but Y/N caught her arm without even looking behind him. He spun around and looked at her

"You'll pay for attacking my friend!", the blonde shouted, getting the attention of the others. Y/N simply laughed

"That friend happens to be my sister, one who was incredibly abusive and narcissistic. She's the reason why my eyes are pure white", he replied.

"I don't believe you", the girl replied pulling her arm out of his grip. Before she could attack again, Ozpin's voice sounded

"Would Y/N please report to my office immediately?", he said and Weiss smirked

"Looks like you're already expelled", she said which caused Y/N to throw a rock spear at her before he headed to the elevator. He pressed the top button and patiently waited for it to reach the top floor. When the doors opened, he was greeted with a disgusting sight. His former family

"Ah Y/N welcome", Ozpin said and Y/N growled

"What are these people doing here?!", he shouted and Jacques grabbed his arm

"We are taking you back to Atlas. You don't belong here in Beacon", Jacques said but Y/N yanked his arm out of Jacques' grip.

"You have no authority over me at all. I'm staying in Beacon", he growled

"I am your father, boy. You'll do as I say!", Jacques shouted raising an arm to hit him but his arm was suddenly frozen. He looked at it in shock, just as the window broke and Cetrion, Shinnok, Skarlet, Geras, Kronika and Frost arrived.

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