Comfort and Help

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About 2 days later, Y/N was resting in his bed when voices of his former family came back to him. He began writhing in fear in his room, whimpering in his sleep as the voices shouted at him.

“You’re pathetic!”

“You’re a freak!”

“No one wants you!”

“Just die already, make our lives easier!”

“We’re going to celebrate your death!”

“LEAVE ME ALONE!”, Y/N shouted and shot up immediately, crying his eyes out. The doors opened and Cetrion, Kronika and Shinnok ran in. Cetrion noticed how sad Y/N was and held him close. Y/N held onto Cetrion as he cried

“Y/N, what’s wrong? We heard you shouting and crying”, Cetrion said as she held her son close. Y/N sniffled and wiped his eyes before he looked at them

“I had a nightmare of them. Their voices, telling me I was a freak, I was pathetic, that no one wanted me, telling me to die and that they would celebrate my death”, Y/N said before crying again, his tears dripping onto the crystals on Cetrion’s stomach. Kronika touched Y/N’s shoulder gently.

“Who are they? The people who said those things?”, she asked with a concerned voice and Y/N wiped his eyes before telling them.

“They were the people who abused me. Jacques Schnee, Winter Schnee, Whitley Schnee, Weiss Schnee and Willow Schnee”, he explained. Shinnok thought about those names

“I know them. They’ve been at war with another group. Many of their board members have died because of this war. That Jacques person is not even part of their family, the marriage he entered was loveless and he did it purely to take control of the company”, he explained. Kronika was furious

“I should erase them from time and end their existence!”, she growled and turned to go to her Hourglass and do just that but Y/N stopped her.

“No, don’t. You erase Jacques, you erase me. I was the result of a one night stand with Jacques and another woman. It’s why my hair is this colour”, he said. Kronika stopped what she was doing and thought about it. She realised he was right, erasing Jacques would eliminate Y/N.

“Perhaps we pay them a visit?”, Shinnok suggested

“What do you mean by that?”, Kronika asked and Shinnok whispered to her his idea.

“Show them their consequences of such horrific actions”, Shinnok whispered and Kronika nodded with a smile

“Very well. Cetrion, me and Shinnok must leave. Take care of Y/N in our absence”, she said to Cetrion

“As you wish mother”, Cetrion said. Kronika and Shinnok gave Y/N a hug before they disappeared

“Where are they going mommy?”, Y/N asked before Cetrion smiled at him.

“They are going somewhere to ensure these memories do not plague your mind. Remember, you have a family with us. Those people are not family as they do not have virtue”, she replied before she held Y/N close to her. Y/N giggled as a small butterfly landed on his head the same way it had when he first arrived. Cetrion smiled at the sight. Y/N held out a hand and the butterfly landed on his hand before it flew away. A few hours later, Y/N was reading a few books about gods while Cetrion was tending to her plants, when Kronika and Shinnok returned.

“The family has been…..given a warning about what they’ve done”, Shinnok explained with a smile

“Y/N, would you want to be trained as a god? It will offer you great power but the physical tests you will endure as you grow will be difficult”, Kronika said with a gentle but firm voice to show how serious she was about the risks of Y/N accepting the training of a God. Y/N thought about it for a few moments

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