Chapter Twelve.

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              -Applying some lips gloss to her beautiful pink lips, she winked mischievously at the woman staring back at her from the mirror. She'd just finished with her shower, shaving her legs and all required area that held unwanted hairs on her female body. She was almost complete with her makeover, the only final touch that was left was to spray some perfume and she would be done. The perfect gift for the perfect night.

     Earlier that day, after talking to Chichi about the confusion that has settled in her life, she was reminded of the fact that she wasn't just any woman. She was Bulma Brief and being who she was, when she'd wanted something badly, no one could actually stop her from acquiring it.

          She knew that whatever she was about to do, was risky. She might as well be rejected by him tonight but this was a must if she wanted to rid herself of her own doubts. It took her long enough and now, she was fully prepare for him. In fact, never before had she done whatever she was planning to do. Nervous was the appropriate term to describe her state of mind. Only one of the two possible scenarios could go down; either she would earn herself a rejection or she would spend the most wonderful night of her life. To her however, she personally wanted to teach him a lesson. Give him something to crave for her and make him realized that the connection between them was more than mere lust.

         Wrapping the pink, silky, off-shoulder bathrobe with lace edges, around her delicately feminine frame without bothering to knot the tie closure together, she grasped onto the fabric tightly to keep it from revealing the patterns of her naked body underneath.

      "You can do this!" She muttered words of encouragement to her own-self, took one last glimpse at herself and minced into her bedroom, continued her way barefoot into her corridor and climbed up some of the stairs that led to the devil's bedroom. She'd been completely transfixed to notice that she'd reached his bedroom door in no time, one hand resting onto the handle while the other held her bathrobe securely together. She sighed, hesitating a bit, heart pounding vehemently into her bust that it echoed deafeningly in her ears.

      'Should I do this?' She wondered hesitantly, studying the steel door, like they held the answers to her question. Movements from the corner of her right eyes caught Bulma's attention and she elegantly tilted her head to the side to watch the person. By the way her skin crawled and her shackles rose, she didn't have to stare at him to know who he was.

     He stood there, a few steps away from her, dressed in nothing but his blue armor tights, white, golden solleret boots, bare chest and eyes narrowed at her in austerity as he studied her every moves with extreme curiosity. Her lips twitched into a shy expectant smile. He was handsome. More than ever. Not even her smile was enough to alter the grim gnarl expression of his face. Shifting her malicious blue irises back to the steel door, she gently opened it and took a few steps into his bedroom, subtly inviting him to participate in her sin. Now that she'd set foot into the devil's den, she reached the point of no return.

    She didn't have to look back so as to know that he was already there, standing by the doorway. The room had heated up drastically enough for her to feel the electrifying sparks that had travel from their unconnected bodies.

     With shaking hands, she slowly unsecured the bathrobe and delicately let it slide off her shoulder-blades, glistening onto her back and collapsing on the ground behind her foot, leaving her stark naked before his obsidian, inflexible piercing orbs. Turning slightly to face him, she offered him another shy smile, rounded cheeks flustered as she willed herself to approach him.

     When they were close enough to each other, she noticed that the stern scowl on his forehead hadn't falter. Taking one last attempt to tempt him into sharing her sinful game, she ogled at him with hungry eyes, roving her hands greedily across the delectable pattern of his torse, and she relished the feel of him, delighted as her touch raised goosebumps along his flesh, exploring his body.

Intriguing Endearment [Vegeta x Bulma] Dragon Ball Z FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now