Erron Black : A Broke Visitor

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Now Outworld allows visitor from Earthrealm to visit them, and their people to visit Earthrealm. Both worlds were at peace with each other and they were allies. The Special Forces were tasked to watch over as those from Earthrealm went to Outworld and vice versa to the visitors from Outworld. To visit Outworld, you'll need the documents from the Special Forces, fill in the blanks and obtain the visitor pass. After getting the visitor pass, anyone are free to go to enter Outworld. As for security, there are things that people from Earthrealm aren't allow to bring. It's like the airport security around the world. Once you pass through the security, the checkpoint and board the ship that travels from Earthrealm to Outworld and back. You have arrived at your destination. 

That was your plan to spend your semester break after suffering from lack of sleep, procrastination and completing assignments. Others travel to different country with their family or head back to their hometown. Except you; travelling to Outworld. It was a new territory for you to explore. You wanted to learn their culture, experience it. Know their cuisine, on both traditional and the popular ones. There were a lot of things as you list out the things you wanted to do when you reach Outworld. 

Thus, you boarded the ship after getting through the security and checkpoint. It was nerve-wrecking but worth it after you walk away from it. You walk to the balcony of the ship, watched the people who boarded the ship. Some weren't the people you've seen, perhaps they are from Outworld, heading back to their home. Instead of staring at them, you decided to stare at the portal. 

- - - 

Within a few minutes, the ship has arrived at Outworld. First thing that came to your mind was to get clothes that make you not to stand out as tourist from Earthrealm. Another thought came to your mind, you need Outworld money. You haven't convert your cash into their own currency. "Ah damn." The ship has the currency converter and yet, you didn't have the time to change your cash because you were so excited about Outworld. Sighing to yourself, you have to wait for the ship to come back. 

So you sat on the bench. Your mood turned sour and... you were sticking out than the locals. 

As you sat there, deep in your own thought and/or world, someone approach you. "Can I help you, miss?" They spoke, breaking your train of thoughts  and causing you to look up. His appearance reminded you of the cowboy movies and his voice - his accent! Sounded like one too! 

"Uh, maybe, I guess..." You gave the stranger a shrug. 

He took the chance to sit next to you. "You guess?" You hum as he repeated the words. "What's the problem?" 

Could you tell the stranger about your problems? What if he took advantage of you? Several questions ran around, all telling you that he is not what he seems to be. "Um, before I answer your question.. do you mind answering mine?"  

The stranger took his hat and place it on his chest. "You have my word, miss." In that time, you took notice of his eyes and hair. He looks, somewhat attractive. In a way. He then place his hat back on his head. "The name's Erron Black." 

You offer your hand, asking him to shake them. "(Name) (Last name)." He grab it with care and shake your hand. "Nice to meet you, Erron." 

"Likewise, (Name)." 

After the handshake, you told Erron about your dilemma. He sat there, listening intently and his attention was full on towards you. He didn't look away or make some kind of remark or comment about it. Instead, he decided to help you out. This caused you to ask him a question, "Why are you helping me?" 

"Well, when there is a lovely lady in need of help, I'll help her." Was his answer to your question. At first you blush when he called you a lovely lady but the blush fade away as you think on how many women he have help before. There are others who need his help and yes, he was attractive. Alongside his voice. 

"I bet that you say to the other women you've help before." You quickly cover your mouth, mentally hitting yourself for saying that out loud. To Erron! Oh gods save me, you prayed to yourself. Erron, on the other hand, was shocked on how you say it. Of all his years with women, you were different. You have caught his curiosity and it was gradually increasing the more you speak. 

"I'm sorry. I.. I shouldn't said that." 

Erron brushed it off. "It's alright, (Name)." 

"Are you sure?" 

"A hundred percent." 

He got off the bench and it was his turn to offer his hand to you. "Shall we?" 

Looking upwards at him, you sent him a smile and accept his gesture. "We shall." 

Mortal Kombat with Romance (Mortal Kombat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now