Kabal : Street Racer

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"Kabal..." You approach your boyfriend who has his back facing you, cleaning his hook blades from blood. He was in his weapons room that has a secret door that you and him only know the passcode.

The date that the both of you meet each other.

"Yeah babe?" He didn't wear his shirt so you could see his back that was burned. You had to discipline yourself not to touch his back even though it was tempting to do so.

Your hands was behind you, holding an envelope that has creative words. It was from your old past that you chose to forget about. As an illegal street racer. You didn't tell Kabal or anyone about it. It was a personal thing, a hidden past. Kabal had told about his work. To his reaction, he was surprised that you were comfortable with it. He thought you might freak out and hinder the relationship that you both made, choosing to be friends than lovers.

"I found a letter in the mailbox.. it was to me." You started as your brain racked on what's his reaction on hearing your past activities. "It's from an old gang that I might or might not piss off."

This prompt Kabal to put his hookblades down and turn around to face you. "Who's the gang? I'll kill 'em for you if they send death threats."

Internally, you want to hug him, try to soothe him that its alright. His protectiveness was too much but you were used to it. "Oh no, no, no! Its not that. It's just a race." Then you added, "An illegal race on the mountain side. With sharp bends and turns. At night." You were dropping hints, hoping that he'll get them.

And he did get the hints. "Babe, were you an illegal street racer?"

"In the past, yes."

"That is so hot."

"Wait... it is?" You raised an eyebrow at him, surprise of his reaction. It was a parallel reaction to your own when he told you that he was a Mercenary. Kabal grabbed both of your hands and held it. "Hell yeah it is! I'm a merc and you are my getaway driver!"

You gave a light chuckle. "But Kabal, you have your speed. The police can catch me, the car might get scratched and I might get hurt." You could be his getaway driver, doing all those fast driving and drifting and so on but if you took the mantle, you'll be more worried about the car than Kabal.

"You're right but still... we could race each other."

"I don't think so. You'll always be first than me." His shoulders slumped and underneath his mask, he was pouting at you. You could felt it as you stare at him.

"Fine," You really and secretly wished to race with him. To see who is faster, Kabal or the car. Kabal instantly cheered, "Yeah!"

"But!" You cut him off, taking your hands off his and place them on your hips. "One race and that's that."

He nod his head. "You got it, babe."

- - -

It was the day, well, the night of the race. You drive in with your GTR Nissan. It was old but it could pack a punch. "Oh I can't wait to see you beat these jackasses in the race later on." Kabal said, his excitement and his support towards you was radiating from the seat next to you.

"But be my eyes. Some of them would sabotage me and the other racers. After all, its an illegal race. Rules don't apply here." Especially when it is dealt with territorial disputes. This was yours but someone challenge you to get this part of the mountain. There was no way that you could simply give it to them. You earn this part.

"You got it, babe." He wanted to kiss you, considering the situation you were in. He'll kiss you later, when you win the race.

You park the car at left side of the road and let Kabal to step out of the car. "Remember babe, kick their asses."

"I will." You blow him a kiss and dramatically grab said kiss. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" And he walk away from the car, to join in the spectators. You were revving the engine, letting the car to purr. You miss this sensation. The thrill and the adrenaline.

You miss the race.

A car park next to you. It was a dark green Lamborghini Murcielago. You don't know who the owner was but you were prepared to beat him in the race.

Soon, it started and you quickly took off.

- - -

Kabal watched you as you manoeuvre the twist and turns of the road. He was in awe when you execute the drift perfectly. He had never seen one before but now, he has. His eyes stayed onto your car throughout the entire race.

There were no sign of any sabotage when the race came to an end. You were the victor and the mountain was still yours.

The spectators cheered as you perform another drift when you crossed the finish line. Then they came to your car, congratulating you. You have to politely walk away from them because you just wanted Kabal.

"I win." You said, placing your arms around his shoulder as his hands sneaked to your waist.

"And I want to kiss you." He pulled you towards him. Letting the space between the both of you to diminish.

"Then kiss me." He took his mask and cover both of you as you shared a sweet kiss with him. It was to cover his face from the public. Thanks to your hoodie, you helped him even more.

When both of you parted, he leaned towards your ear and whisper. "Prepare for a race in bed."

You smirked, accepting his challenge. "Oh I am prepared. How about you?"

Kabal liked this side that you are showing to him. He grinned, "I am also prepared."

The night ended with you driving back to the apartment with Kabal, then later, spending a lovely time with him in bed.

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