Chapter 3

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"I don't want to!" I shouted as Cade started to drag me. He was taking me to a place where I had to be social. social! It's my worst nightmare! "C'mon I want you to meet some people." He said, somehow putting up with my stubbornness. "I don't want to be social!" I said trying to not alert the whole school.

He walked me through the east wing of the school, I was trying to remember what's in this wing. All I know is that I'm missing my lunch for this. I really should know this. He pushed me through large doors and I became puzzled. "The library?" I said confused. Why a library to meet people? If they were "so cool" like Cade said wouldn't I meet them somewhere else at least? I don't even know.

Cade grabbed my shoulder and led me to the back where there was almost a square of bookshelves and a small table in between. As I saw three people I went to turn away, before I could Cade pushed me foreword. He gave me a look as if saying "don't be shy it's okay." THERES NO ESCAPE. IM DOOMED.

The girl had long brown hair tied up in a pony tail and was really focused on her book that she didn't notice me. The book was huge, like thousands of pages. I like to read but not something as big as that. One of the two boys were reading as well, but he noticed me unlike the girl. He had blonde hair that covered his ears, he was also wearing a fedora, typical these days. I don't get fashion. The other guy looked like he just woke up from a nap. His hair was shorter then the blonde guys hair but it was still long. His hair was brown with a lot of white in it. Like white dye not aging that would be weird for teens around my age that's for sure. I just realized I'm even awkward in my mind.

"Well? Talk!" Cade said pointing to the three people. I felt so awkward and I backed away slightly. I was being overwhelmed with social anxiety. Cade sighed then walked up next to me. "This is Aeron. As you can easily tell she is not very social." He said introducing me. I nodded slightly feeling even more awkward, I bet you my face was heating up too. I don't like this I don't like this, I repeat. I don't like this.

The guy with the brown and white hair came up to me and like everybody he leaned above me. Can't people understand the fact that I hate being short! "So she's the light elemental huh?" He started to lean closer to me. I got a little scared. "Why don't you brighten up my day then?" As he started to lean closer a hand grabbed his shoulder. "Luke just leave the poor thing alone she's terrified enough, and don't do something that you practiced with your sister." I noticed it was the girl, she kept her eyes on her book though.

Wait...what? What does he practice on his sister!? The other guy took the book out of her hand. "If your gonna have a conversation at least look at the person." He said as he held it behind him. The girl was going to tear him to shreds by the look of it. "Scott give me back my book! Now!" She shouted leaning over the table trying to grab him. "Enough guys!" Cade shouted calmly. He pushed Luke away from me and grabbed the book from Scott, giving it back to the girl. "Do you have to read all the time Ellie?" He asked her after he gave her the book. She marked her place then shut it and turned in her seat to face me.

He pointed at Luke. "He's Luke, he hits on literally every girl he meets, except of course adults he's just a suck up to them. He's also an air elemental along with his his twin Lily, by the way what just happened is very common." Cade started, Luke smirked at that. Then Cade continued: "she's Ellie. She is a complete bookworm, I've never seen her without a book. She's also an earth elemental." Ellie waved at me, she did seem like the type to enjoy reading, she seemed really smart too. "Finally this is Scott. He always wears fedoras for some odd reason and he annoys Ellie ALL the time. He is a life elemental, which means he can heal people, just he can't heal himself." He finished. There's more elementals in the school? It's more common than I thought.

"It's nice to meet you three I guess." I said awkwardly. I don't know what to say! I have no friends except for all of a sudden Cade. "You okay?" Cade asked me, hesitantly I nodded my head to his question. "You guess? You don't have friends do you?" Scott asked. I'm guessing he didn't think before he said it because he ended up face palming himself. Even Ellie elbowed him in the gut. But I just calmly shook my head. I wasn't going to lie, I didn't want to. I don't have friends, so what?

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