A talk with sister and a game

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"Ok. Why didn't you say anything?" I asked cornering my sister in an empty hallway. School had ended about a 15 minutes ago so school was pretty much empty of students.

"About you being my brother or me teaching?" She asked back towering over me.

"Both. But most importantly why you didn't say anything about us being siblings." I said as I leaned forward trying to intimidate her. It doesn't real work well tho when your only chest height.

"Well, mr. grumpy, I didn't say anything cause as soon as I stepped out onto the field you where giving me the death look that said 'we don't know each other and don't say otherwise' and even tho it's silly I respect your chose to not let others know about us being siblings. On that matter tho why don't you want others knowing about is being siblings?" Corl said starting to walk down the hall.

'Well isn't she being nosey.'

"Well there are 3 big reasons. One is I don't want people trying to be my friend because my sister is a pro in Japan and America and I'm a pro i America. I want friends that like me as a person! The second is I promised mom and dad before I left that I would not use my quirk a lot so it's not trackable. And that relates to number 3. Here I'm not a pro so I can't fight villains. I'll get in huge trouble with the police and with that I'm more of a target, remember? There are people who hunt people with dragon quirks all over. Where the most wanted thing on the black market! Are scales are one of the hardest things in the world and and claws stronger then most weapons. I don't want to be hunted and I don't want to put my class and school in danger. if they know where siblings they'll assume I have scales too." By now we where buy the front door of the building where me and my sister split ways.

"Hehe... I almost forgot about them.... I'll tell the others when your classes come for training to treat you as a stranger around your classmates. But don't think for a moment that they won't all jump at you as soon as your alone." With that she turned her back to me and walked off to her house.

I turned and started my own walk back to the dorms. As I pass the living room area I see most of the class sitting around talking. I was a bout to continue on to my room but was stoped when someone yelled my name. I turn to see Denki running up to me raping his arm around my neck and pulling me in for a side hug.

"Hey (Y/N)! Where having a sleep over in the living room! You wanna come?" Denki asked as he dragged me over to the others all gathered around in a circle.

"I don't have a chose do I?" I reply siting down.

"Nope" Denki and have the girls said.

"Ok (Y/N) where playing truth or dare mixed with spine the bottle! Have you played it before?" Mina asked.

"Yeah. My friends in America made me play it with them." I said thinking back at how they made me paint a sleeping Sin pink. When she woke up all hell broke loss.

"Ok then I'll start!" Uraraka said spinning the bottle. It slowing stoped landed on Mina. "Mina truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Mina yelled. Uraraka thought for a moment.

"I dare you to..... hug bakugou!" Uraraka said proud with her dare. Mina got up and walked over to bakuguo who was being held down by Kirishima. Before Mina could get within a foot of him he was gone.

"BAKUGUO! GIVE ME A HUG!" Mina yelled running after him. After 5 minutes of Mina chasing bakuguo and bakuguo swearing to kill her the game continued. Mina spun the bottle and it slowly came to a stop pointing at me.

"(Y/N)! Truth or dare?" Mina said with a evil look on her face.

' oh boy'

"Uh... dare?" I hope I choose the right one.

"I dare you too steel someone from class 1-B's and bring them to the game!" Mina yelled sticking her arms up in the air.

"Ummm... where's there dorm?" I ask getting up. I already new who I'm getting. Its ether Tetsutetsu or there class rep kendo. During training I got to talk to them a bit and they seemed really nice so I thought they would be cool with it.

Iida got up and showed me to class 1-B's dorms. I quickly make my way inside without being spotted and walk around a few floors looking for my targets. As I round a corner I hit I hard surface face first resulting in me falling in my butt.

"Hey are you ok?" Someone said from above me. I look up at the wall I hit to see Tetsutetsu standing there looking down worried.

'So not a wall'

"Yeah I'm good. Your also they guy I'm looking for. Come on!" I said getting up and grabbed his hand and started dragging him down stairs to the door.

"Wha-Wait! Wow. Where are we going?" Tetsutetsu said trying to keep up as I dragged him throw the halls. I might look small and weak but I have some strength.

"Where going to play truth of dare with the rest of class 1-A and I got a dare to steal someone from 1-B to play with us. And you where the winner! Now come on." I say dragging him over to iida who was still waiting out side.

"Ok?" And with that last remark from Tetsutetsu we made are way back to the class 1-A dorms. Once we got there we continued the game for a few hours. We must have passed out at some point because next thing I new it was five o'clock in the morning and half the class was passed out along the living room. That also included Tetsutetsu, who Was cuddling up close to Denki spooning him.

'Awwww! How cute!!!'

I get up carefully tryin not to wake any one up and made my way to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

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