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After leaving the church , Aisling sobbed silently as she walked towards the alleyway next to the pub. Walking "home" she burst into fits of tears.

She cried violently ,because she didn't have a home or a family ,and she cried because her world was so lonely.

Even days filled with swarming London crowds were lonely . Even surrounded by people she could could still feel the loneliness. She knew that she couldn't keep living like this ,and couldn't be on her own for much longer. Her hunger for company was swallowing her.

She turned at the alleyway corner , and kept walking until she reached the abrupt dead end. There she sat behind a pile of rubbish , with her knees hugged to her chin.Tears streamed delicately down her hollow face. Her body shook as she trembled with the realisation that ; nothing was going to change.

Anyone walking past would've dropped her a few coins and probably just carried on walking . But perhaps she had reached such a dead end that there were not even coins to cheer her up for a while.

She knew that there was no one to help her out of this hole . Which (quite ironically )she was stuck in due to the lack of company.

This was her mountain to climb and she'd have to start wearing her harness,and climb it. If she didn't she'd never leave the base. She'd never get to the top and feel joy.

Oh god what am I doing? I need to take action before this kills me, she thought. Aisling might not even metaphorically die. She might actually die , of malnutrition? Disease?Depression? Maybe even suicide , if she didn't change her fate soon .

This thought led Aisling to rise from her spot on the ground. She picked up Hilda ,and held her in front of her eyes.

"What do I do Hilda?" ,She asked desperately .

Unsurprisingly Hilda didn't answer . Hilda never did. But sometimes it was in the silence that Aisling found the answers .

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