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Aisling sat on the shaded steps outside the nearby church. She could go inside and listen to the service if she wanted to,but Aisling liked to look at the sky ,and think ,as she listened to the priests voice through the old oak doors.

He spoke of god and Jesus ,the bible , and all things religion before the morning prayer. All the while Aisling would strain to hear, hanging on his every word.Oh how she longed to be able to read the bible! She'd no longer have to listen to his voice as he rambled through the tale of Noah and the ark at snail's pace. There would be no need to if only she could read.

If she could read Aisling could do anything. She could get a well-paid job and a house! She could get a husband and have children of her own!

Aisling could do all this without the ability to read, but she didn't know it yet.Really she could achieve a respectable life even if she was illiterate. She had wise thoughts and its what's inside that counts more.

Once the service was done Aisling dashed off ,before the crowds inside spilled out of the doors. Sometimes she'd turn it into a game , and see if she could make it to the tree across the road ,before the doors opened.

Today she only made it halfway before the doors creaked open. Feeling dissatisfied, Aisling ran to the patch of grass near the butchers, and plopped herself down on her bottom. The butcher peered at her through the misty glass ,and so Aisling shuffled over , out of sight.

She remained there for a while ,remembering the story she had listened to outside the church. The priest had told the tale of Moses . Aisling was shocked at the kings cruelty, with the male children ban. She could see that he didn't want them to threaten his title as king ,but still why would he go to such drastic measures?

Would she go to such drastic measures? No ,she thought. The guilt would overwhelm her. She wouldn't be able to live ! She knew her thoughts would kill her if she knew she had been responsible for so many deaths.

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