intro | the girl and her spidey

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It had been a couple months since everything began

And Carmen still only told Tony about her bloodline three weeks ago

To which he was speechless for once in his life

But, of course, he came back to her and had been the best father in the world

Carmen began to learn more and more about her heritage as Thor spent as much time as he could with her

Which she loved. She loved having so many people in her life

But it's also difficult to balance time

She was still a worldwide female celebrity, she had duties that needed to be fulfilled

Also, her father and Pepper were engaged now and she had been working with Pepper nonstop about the wedding

Also , she was searching for her Uncle Banner , a search that she had started on her own as everyone had given up hope

And now she had a boyfriend

Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man

Peter and Carmen have been dating for almost three months, and other than her always scolding him for being idiotic, their relationship was great

Still, every time Thor came, she dropped everything and ran to her brother on instinct

She started to try and pinpoint every time he would come so she could make time out of her busy schedule

But he was just random, which is no surprise

Today, she was free. No scheduled events, Pepper had a meeting so no wedding plans, Tony was out with Rhodes so no annoying fathers

And Thor was only he knows where

So, due to this, there sat Peter on the Starks' living room couch as Carmen stood in the kitchen

"You should just leave, this relationship isn't working out"

Peter scoffed as he threw a blanket over his body

"I'm just saying, Star Trek is way better than Star Wars"

"I can't believe you even said that out loud, have you any pride?" Carmen asked him while shaking her head

"I have pride in Star Trek"

"Go home"

The microwave dinged, signaling the popcorn was done

"I'm gonna have to ask you to keep your distance on the couch, pal" Carmen told him as he laughed

"Distance? If I'm sat two inches away from you, you'd get upset" Peter said as Carmen walked into the room with a bowl of popcorn

"That's not the point" Carmen muttered bitterly

"It has something to do with the point" Peter said as Carmen took a seat all the way at the end of the couch

"Very mature"

"I know, thank you" Carmen placed the bowl on the table

"Yeah, yeah, or. . ."

Peter grabbed the girl's waist, pulling her in between his legs, her chest against his

"You've gotten very brave. The shy facade lasted like three days" Carmen said as she started the movie

"This movie? Again?"

"Shut up, it's Big Hero 6. I didn't get to watch it last time because someone distracted me"

"You didn't have to kiss me back" Peter said as he wrapped his arms around the smaller girl

"I didn't? Okay, noted. Won't happen again, boss"

Peter then pressed his lips to hers as she instantly gave in

"I thought you said you wouldn't kiss back?" Peter mumbled against her lips

"You don't know when to shut up"

"I know, I'm very stupid" Peter's lips took over once again

Carmen leaned back on the couch as Peter was on top of her, their lips not separating

"Hello? Carmen! I wish for you to accompany me! It is of deadly importance! Meet me at the old elders home!"

Thor's voice boomed through the voice box as the two teens sat up

"I'm sorry" Carmen apologized to Peter as he nodded

"It's okay. I'll stay here though, because why waste the pizza?" Peter asked rhetorically

"Sure Parker" Carmen stood up and walked into her room

The door shut behind her as she pressed a button at the side of her closet

"wardrobe change ; initiated"

Carmen walked out with a new outfit on as she walked back over to the couch

"Bye, love" Carmen gave Peter his goodbye kiss as he kissed back


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