006 | one girl , she soothes the beast

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Carmen stormed into the lab , angry as could be as she threw one of her glass test tubes on the ground just to break something

"Whoa! Where's the fire , babygirl? Just relax"

Carmen tried taking deep breaths , knowing it wouldn't be good for anyone for her to have a panic attack now

"Now , explain to me calmly , what's wrong"

". . . It's Natasha"

"Okay , what about Natasha?"

"And it's about you. And Steve! A-And Thor! And Clint! And all of you who don't care about Bruce!" Carmen yelled as she pushed her father away

"We cared about Bruce. W-What is going on in that genius mind of yours?"

"Ways to get my Uncle Banner back , because apparently no one wants him back or you guys never cared to begin with" Carmen pulled out maps from the cabinet

". . . Carmen , Bruce isn't-"

"You guys didn't even try to look! Screw you guys! You don't know if he's dead! He's not dead! I know it!"

Carmen scooped up the maps in her hand and stormed out of the lab



"Carmen! Wake up!"

Carmen shifted in her sleep as she slowly awoke

"W-Where am I?"

"In Hulk bed" Hulk told her as she sat up immediately


Carmen jumped on the bed and launched herself onto his back

"Hulk missed Carmen"

"I know , I missed you too , you have no idea. I have been looking for you everywhere!" Carmen said with a large smile

"I'm getting us out of here. This terrible , awful place" Thor came into view as Carmen agreed

"Oh yeah , you're gonna love Asgard , it's really big and shiny" Carmen said as Hulk sat on the bed , making her fall backwards behind him

"Hulk stay with Carmen"

"Yes , you stay with Carmen , you're both coming"

"No , Carmen stay here with Hulk" Hulk handed Carmen a large type of fruit that she could barely hold onto

"No , no , no. Our people need us back on Asgard. We must prevent Ragnarok" Thor told him


"Yeah , the prophesied death of our home world. The end of days, it's the end of. . ." Thor tried to explain but Hulk yawned loudly

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