009 | three siblings of the crown

612 31 2

"Hey, so, listen. We should talk"

"I disagree"

"I also disagree , open communication was never our family's forte" Carmen said as Loki was hacking into the system

"You have no idea. Been quite the revelation since we last spoke" Thor said as the three walked through the now opened door

Thor and Loki lifted their guns as Carmen had on her armor without the mask



The three began to shoot as Thor and Loki took cover as Carmen easily took out the rest

"Odin brought us together. It's almost poetic that his death should split us apart" Loki said as Carmen nodded

"We might as well be strangers with him now. Three siblings of the crown, set adrift" Carmen told them as another door opened to reveal more guards

Carmen and Thor took them out as Carmen sent one flying into the air

"Thought you didn't wanna talk about it"

"I don't"

"Here's the thing" The three made their way onto the elevator as it took them up

"I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar" Loki told the two as they both nodded

"That's exactly what I was thinking" Thor said as Loki looked at him

"Did you just agree with me?"

"Come on, this place is perfect for you. It's savage, chaotic, lawless" Thor listed Loki's personality

"Brother, you're gonna do great here" Carmen told him with a sickly smile as Loki looked at her

"Do you truly think so little of me?" He asked her

"Loki, I thought the world of you. When I found out you were alive , I thought we were gonna fight side by side. Be siblings" Carmen said harshly but took a deep breath

She couldn't have a panic attack or an anxiety attack , not now

"But at the end of the day, you're you and we're us. Maybe there's still good in you. But if I'm being honest , I'd risk my life for you and you wouldn't do the same" Carmen told him seriously

That hurt Loki , badly , in ways he didn't realize anything could hurt him. His own sister . . .

"Yeah. It's probably for the best that we never see each other again" Loki said sadly

"It's what you always wanted" Thor patted his back , placing a shock template on his clothing

"Hey, let's do Get Help" Thor told Loki as Carmen gave a confused look

"What? What's that?" Carmen asked curiously


"Come on, you love it"

"I hate it"

"It's great. It works every time. Do it for Carmen"

"Yeah , do it for Carmen"

"It's humiliating"

"Do you have a better plan?"


"We're doing it"

"We are not doing Get Help"

". . ."

"Shit. Fine"

Loki leaned onto Thor for support

"Watch this" Thor told Carmen as she nodded and the elevator doors opened

"Get help! Please! My brother, he's dying! Get help! Help him!"

Thor then threw Loki's body at the guards , taking them down as Carmen laughed loudly


"Still hate it. It's humiliating"

"That was fantastic" Carmen said , wiping the tears from her eyes

"Now, which one's the ship she told us to get?" Thor asked as Carmen pointed to the gold and red one

"The Commodore" Thor nodded as the three made their way to the ship

"Though I feel it won't make much of a difference. . ."

Carmen sighed as she turned to see the actual Loki at the control panel

"I know I've betrayed you both many times before, but this time it's truly nothing personal. The reward for your captures will set me up nicely" Loki told them

"Never one for sentiment, were you?" Thor asked

"Easier to let it burn"

"Agreed" Carmen pressed the shock remote as Loki fell to the ground

"I trust you, you betray me. Round and round in circles we go. I would give you a heartfelt speech , but you don't care. You never did , huh?" Carmen asked and sighed

"You'll always be the God of Mischief, but you could be more. I'll just put this over here for you" Carmen threw the remote away from him

"Anyway, all got places to be, so good luck"

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