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I woke up on my comfortable bed, thinking how I must have fell asleep for exhaustion while wondering what to do

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I woke up on my comfortable bed, thinking how I must have fell asleep for exhaustion while wondering what to do. I looked outside and it was day, I glanced at the clock, 2:30 p.m.

Wow, I slept a lot... Or not really since it was two in the morning when I was done doing everything...

I stretched and was happy to be already dressed, I stood up and opened the window, taking a deep breath of the pure air that I missed. I really missed colours, the sun, the happiness and peace.

I was so happy Jennie had healing powers, sure when you had a cut or something like that she couldn't make the pain disappear, but when it comes to minor bruises she could make everything disappear, well, except for the fucking holes.

I guess now it's too late to go back, the sun is up and even though that is something that never shines in Varklood, their "day" surely started and everyone must already know I've disappeared... I guess I can stay here for a while... Maybe just to rest... But it would be kinda useless since I would need more rest if she gets her hands on me, or if she doesn't kill me. *Sigh* At least my mental and physical health will get a little boost.

I walked out the room and met Chaeyoung and Jennie making out on Chaeyoung's room door, I smiled and said «Morning.» then I passed them going towards the kitchen, I was damn hungry. I made some eggs and bacon since I craved that, also for my housemates and friends.

Later they reached me and sat down eating, Jennie slid my phone on the table «I got it from Jisoo unnie some days ago, she didn't even notice. It's charged.»
I nodded «Thanks...» I took a bite of my bacon and unlocked it placing the password, I had a lot of texts and calls, but one ID got my full attention "Seoul Hospital".

I saw many missed calls the past week and a lot of texts that I opened, while reading it, I let my fork with bacon on it fall in the plate, but it ended up falling on the table, as I held my breath, my tears starting to fall «No...» I stood up, ran to the door and put my shoes on, I was about to cry but I held the tears in while breathing heavily, I took my purse and ran to Jennie and Chaeyoung who both looked at me worried «I need to go back to Seoul! Quick Jennie!» she furrowed her eyebrows about to ask something but I didn't let her «JUST MAKE ME GO BACK TO SEOUL! NOW!» her eyes widened and in a second I was back in Seoul, I missed my home.

Luckily Jennie made me appear not too far from the hospital, so with adrenaline kicking in, I started running as fast as I could, dodging people and animals «GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!» I yelled not caring if people looked at me weirdly.

As soon as I reached the hospital and was inside I ran to the information desk «Chitthip Manoban, quick!» (A/N: I know Marco doesn't have that surname, that it's Bruschweiler but in this story he will be Manoban)
As soon as they told me I ran towards the room she was recently moved in, it was in intensive care.

Forbidden Love // Lisoo 리수 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now