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«What do we do with our tails and ears Bam?» asked Ten as we looked in Lisa's full length mirror our imagine, two boys in normal clothes with tail and cat ears«I have no idea

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«What do we do with our tails and ears Bam?» asked Ten as we looked in Lisa's full length mirror our imagine, two boys in normal clothes with tail and cat ears
«I have no idea...» I said scratching my head.

We were living with Lisa from two months now, we risked a couple of times to be catched in our half human forms but she never succeeded. Which is good or else it'll be really awkward, cause like, we saw her in every type of way, even naked! She squishes us to her chest and more. Imagine discovering that we were two male cat hybrids.

Our race, was one of the few who interacted with this dimension and the human world, most of the humans pets and animals around ware hybrids. Humans descends from us, you know how they say that humans have evolved from monkeys? The hybrid monkeys to be specific, but for some gene mutation they've lost every power and animal resemblance becoming humans. This applied also to every non-hybrid animals that are everywhere.
You're welcome.

Anyway, till now Lisa didn't left her house not even to go at the library like she wanted to, but from a couple of days she was back to school. We could see how hard it was for her just to do the basic stuff and go to school, but she somehow managed to and I couldn't be prouder.

In the past days though, she risked to die, we don't really know much, but somehow she was able to reach our dimension, she then barged into Jisoo's castle wanting explanations and her crush back. Jisoo didn't say a word, just straight up almost killed her, but Jennie was fast enough to stop her and save Lisa. We know this because Lisa told us. This meant we kinda failed in keeping an eye on her, which lead us to what me and Ten were doing now.

«Okay» I started «It'll be uncomfortable BUT that's the only thing I can think for our tails. Let's just stuff them in our pants down a leg hoping it won't look to weird.»
Ten nodded and we adjusted our tails in, we looked at each other butt and Ten said
«We need larger pants... It looks really weird...» I nodded and wore a larger one «Definitely better. How about the ears?»
I shrugged «We'll say we like cats?»
Ten rolled his eyes «As if we would be aloud to go around "wearing" cat ears. Come on dude.»
«Then let's wear a beanie.» I simply said
«And for the summer?» he asked
«We will endure the heat, we have a job, remember. Plus it's worth for our Lisa. And I gotta be sure no boy or girl, goes around her.»
«Agree.» while looking for two beanies Ten added «We sound like we're her big brothers.»


«Okay BamBam, try not to be too suspicious while we collect our schedules, okay?» Ten said while I was licking my hand about to pass it on my head to clean myself out of habit «And stop being a cat.»
«Said the one on all four.» I fired back, Ten stood up rolling his eyes and we went inside taking our schedules without any problem.

«Aish» I started «We don't have the same schedule!»
Ten pouted «Hopefully it'll match with Lisa's...»
I nodded and looked around spotting a known duo «Talking about Lisa. She's coming with Chaeyoung. Should we approach them?»
He nodded «Definitely. If we become her friends it'll be easier.»
«But what if she invite us to her house? We can't be BamBam and Ten but at the same time Leo and Luca.» I pointed out
«We'll see when the time comes.» he said shrugging, I sighed and nodded.

Forbidden Love // Lisoo 리수 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now