3. Like a Whirlwind

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*Camilla POV*

The rest of the night passed uneventfully. Maybe it was eventful, but I was too much of a sleep deprived zombie to notice if it had been. The house could have burned down and I wouldn’t have even noticed.

Most of the relatives parted after dinner. The presence of Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry seemed to diffuse the interrogation some since there were more people to talk to rather than just Beth, Rex, and me.

By the time ten o’clock rolled by, Rex was in a food coma, jaw agape and drooling on the couch. I apologized profusely for him, but Johannah seemed to be thoroughly entertained.

“Don’t fret,” she reassured me with a laugh. “Louis drools all the time.”

“Mum!” Louis exclaimed, eyes wide open and an insulted expression set in his bright blue eyes.

Harry and Niall howled with laughter, much to Beth’s pleasure. She hadn’t said a word for the past twenty minutes and had only been staring at each of the boys in turn.

Niall’s laugh was ridiculous, and it somehow completely disabled my ability to hold back my laugh too. His eyes met mine for a brief moment, catching me off guard, and he gave me an almost shy smile.

Before I could respond, Johannah spoke up. “Time to put the children in bed!”

“Hear that, Harry?” Louis piped up. “Off to bed with you!”

Niall cackled again, and even Zayn cracked a grin. Harry jokingly glared at Louis but didn’t protest, unable to fight a yawn.

“Off to bed with all of you, actually,” Liam said. “Thanks for dinner, Johannah.”

“Thank you!” the other boys chorused in unison.

“Thank you,” I told her as well.

She gave us all a warm smile and said that it was her pleasure. “Your room’s already set up for you, dear. You can take Beth over. It’s just next to Louis and Rex’s. And Harry and Zayn, I suppose you’ll be sleeping together in the guest bedroom?”

I thought it was a little strange that Harry and Zayn needed to sleep in the same bed when they were all together, but who was I to judge. Maybe it was a British thing.

Louis scooped Rex up so that Liam and Niall could make their bed on the pull out couch. “Come on, big man.”

Rex barely stirred as Louis carried him off in a brotherly manner.

I looked to Beth, but her big brown orbs of eyes were fixed on Harry as he tilted his head down, mussed his curls a bit with his hand, and swooped his hair out of his eyes. It was kind of mesmerizing. I only realized I was staring at Harry too when Zayn brushed past me to pick Beth up. My heart beat a little faster as Zayn’s hand grazed mine when he reached for Beth.

First Louis’s big brotherness got me all warm and gooey, then that awkward eye contact with Niall, and now I was gaping at Harry while I can barely be near Zayn.

Get a hold of yourself! I scolded myself. Shit, you are acting giddier than Rex during a Megan Fox movie.

“You okay?”

I practically jumped when Liam appeared next to me. I hadn’t even noticed him being there. Jesus, I was jumpy.

“Yeah,” I answered, clearly not convincing enough due to the concern that shown in Liam’s warm brown eyes. “I’m just… tired, I guess.”

“I’ll tuck you in,” Harry commented in his low, husky voice, only audible to me and Liam, “if you’d like.”

“Stop being perverted!” Liam hit him in the back of the head, knocking the cheeky grin right off of his face.

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