10. Kiss Me

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I got back to the hotel with half an hour to spare before dinner. I had already told Daniel the news, which he had expected. But this dinner would be the last one I would have with my younger siblings and Mr. Tomlinson before they headed back to Doncaster in the morning.

“How does this look?” Rex appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, where I was doing my makeup, with a strange leather jacket, big shoes, and a snapback.

I gave him an unapproving expression and took the hat off of his head. The snapback reminded me of Niall, and my stomach gave an involuntary flutter. I blamed it on the hunger.

“You look like Justin Bieber,” I told him with distaste, “and not in a good way.”

“Help me,” he pleaded. “Eleanor is going to be there, and I need to look good!”

I opened my mouth at my little brother looking like a teeny bopper. “You stay away from Eleanor while Louis is gone, you hear me?” I laughed as I warned him.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said with a wave of his hand. “I’ll do that as soon as you stop slutting around with all of One Direction.”

I narrowed my eyes at the twelve year old calling me a slut. “I am in no way slutting around with any of One Direction. And I am not a slut.” I snapped my fingers in his face.

“Says the girl wearing stripper shoes,” he sassed right back without missing a beat.

Well, I least I knew where he got the attitude from.

“Hey!” I shoved him over, and he fell face first onto the bed. I tossed the hat on top of him. “These are Steve Madden, thank you very much.”

Sometimes I forgot the seven year age difference between me and my little brother. It seemed like he was growing up way too fast, especially with the recent loss of our dad.

“Here,” I said more kindly, pulling out a navy blazer from one of the many shopping bags I had collected from my and Eleanor’s shopping trip. “I got this for you yesterday. Better than your whack-ass outfit right now.”

Rex obeyed and switched his jacket for the blazer. It fit him perfectly.

“Thanks,” he told me, admiring his reflection in the mirror. “I look like Harry.”

I cocked my head at him. “Kind of,” I admitted.

The jacket on Rex looked like Harry’s signature blazer, which I hadn’t thought about at the time of purchase. But in a way, he did look like a much younger, blonder, dorkier version of Harry.

“Except you totally want to get into Harry’s pants,” Rex threw me an accusing smirk over his shoulder.

“And you need to clean your mouth, mister, so shut the fuck up,” I bantered back, not being able to help fight the warmness in my cheeks.

Mr. Tomlinson came in now, asking which tie he should wear. It took me by surprise that he was even speaking to me, but it was a pleasant surprise. Rex and I told him the blue one.

Beth also got dressed, but I talked her out of wearing her shirt with Zayn’s face on it. Instead, she got into an adorable red dress that Mr. Tomlinson had gotten her.

Louis had been right. I had to trust his family to take care of what was left of mine.

After one last quick brush through my dark curls, I followed Mark and my siblings downstairs, where a cab was waiting to take us to the restaurant.

The boys, Eleanor, and Danielle arrived minutes after we did.

Dinner went on quite normally, with Mr. Tomlinson and the girlfriends making small talk, Rex cracking a few jokes especially to Niall and Louis’s amusement, and Beth with her usual ogling at all five of the boys in turn.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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