WTF is this for kind of detention?!!

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It was around an hour before dinner and Harry and I went to see Umbridge. I knocked on the door and a soft 'come in' came form inside. I opened the door and the moment I looked inside, I wanted to puke. The walls were a light pink and there hung pink plates with moving kittens on the walls. The curtails and all the furniture was pink as well. Umbridge sat at her desk with her fake smile plastered on her face and ordered us to sit down. Harry and I both sat down at a small desk and looked up at Umbridge. 

"You're going to do some lines for me today." I nodded and reached for my bag. "No, not with your quill. Going to be using a rather special one of mine." She handed both of us a black quill. "Now I want you to write 'I must not tell lies.'" She explained. "How many times?" I asked. "Let's say for as long as it takes for the message to sink in." She answered. I turned to my paper, then back to her. "You haven't given us any ink." I stated. "You won't need any ink." I frowned at her answer and started writing. 

I finished writing the sentence and there was a sudden pain in my left hand. 'I must not tell lies' was now carved into my skin. 

"What is this for f#cked up sh*t?!" I asked myself.

I looked over at Harry and the same was happening to him. I looked up at Umbridge, who was now standing in front of us. "Yes?" She asked. "Nothing." Harry answered. "That's right. Because you know, deep down that you deserved to be punished, don't you?" She asked and the both of us stayed silent.

"What the hell is wrong with this woman?" I questioned.

"Go on." She ordered. And we started writing again. I pulled my left hand under the table and healed my wounded hand. I concentrated on Harry's hand and fixed his wounded hand as well. He looked up from his paper and towards me. I nodded towards his hand and he pulled his hand under the table and I continued healing our hands as we were writing the lines down. After about half an hour we were dismissed and we quickly walked out the door. To my surprise, Draco was waiting for us.

"Draco? What are you doing here?" I asked. "I told you I would stay with you the rest of the day." He stated. I nodded and we walked towards the Great Hall together. Harry had offered to drop off our bags in the Gryffindor common room, so it was just me and Draco. 

"I'm never going to argue with Umbridge again." I sighed. "Why not? What happened." He asked concerned. I showed him my left hand, which had a scar on it now. "She forced us to use a quill that writes with your own blood." I explained. "Oh, my father will hear about this." Draco muttered angrily and for one time I was happy to hear that phrase. 

We entered the Great Hall and I got dragged towards the Slytherin table. I got planted down next to Blaise, who greeted us cheerfully. The though of my detention kept swarming around my head and the worry that she was going to do this to other students as well. 


I was back in the common room and watched as the Weasley twins sold their products to Gryffindor students. It was fun to see how they sold their stuff and what kind of effect they had. 

I hear Ron pleading for Hermoine to write something for him. Hermoine and Ron joined me and Harry, who was busy studying. "What's wrong with your hand?" Hermoine asked while looking at Harry's hand. "Nothing." Harry replied while showing his unharmed hand. "The other hand." Hermoine grabbed Harry's other hand and examined it. "(Y/N), do you have this too?" I showed her my scarred hand and a worried expression made it to her face. 

"You've got to tell Dumbledore." Hermoine stated. "No." Harry protested. "Dumbledore's got enough on his mind now. And I don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction." Harry continued. "Bloody hell, Harry. The woman's torturing you. If your parents knew about this....-" Harry stopped him. "I haven't gotten any of those, have I, Ron?" Harry snapped. "Harry, you've got to report this. It's perfectly simple. You're being....-" Harry cut Hermoine off. "No, it's not. Hermoine, whatever this is, it's not simple. You don't understand." Harry closed his book and got up. 

I sighted deeply and lay my head in my hands. "Harry's been on edge lately. He's worried about you know who and irritated by everyone." I explained. "Have you been like that too?" Ron asked. "A bit. At least a lot less than he is. But I also got Order stuff on my mind." I replied. 


I had joined Luna in the woods to look at the Thestrals. She could see them too and I wanted  to get my mind off things, so I excepted. We had found a place where a lot of Thestrals so we stayed there. I was sketching one of the Thestrals when I got a call from Draco. I pushed the blue stone and a projection of Draco appeared out of the blue sand. 

"He, where are you?"  He asked. "I'm in the forest with Luna. We're spotting Thestrals together." I answered. "I actually called for a different reason. Hermoine, Ron, Daniel and Samira couldn't find you or Harry anywhere so they wanted me to call you. And on the other hand, have you seen Harry?" He asked. "No, I haven't. Hé Luna, have you seen Harry anywhere?" I asked her. "No, can't say I have." She answered in her dreamy voice. "She hasn't seen him either." I told Draco. "That's fine. At least I know where you are. See you later, love." He ended the call as Luna came up to me. "That's an extraordinary bracelet you've got there." She said. "Yeah, it's connected with the one Draco has so we can see and talk with each other when we're far apart." I told her.

I heard footsteps behind me and out of the bushes appeared Harry. "He, Harry." I greeted. Harry walked towards us and stopped next to Luna, who was petting the Thestrals. "Your feet. Aren't they cold?" Harry asked while looking at Luna's feet. "Bit. Unfortunately, all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared. I suspect Nargles are behind it." She told him. "Those are Thestrals, aren't they?" Harry asked. "Yeah, they are." I answered. "They're quite gentle, but people avoid them because they're a bit......" I trailed off. "Different." Harry finished. 

Luna stepped towards a Thestral chick and threw an apple at it. "Others can't see them because you have to witness death, right?" Harry asked. "Yes, you do." Luna replied. "So that means you've known someone who died then." Harry commented. "My mum. She was quite an extraordinary witch, but she did like to experiment and one day one of her spells went horribly wrong. I was 9" Luna told us. "I'm sorry." Harry spoke softly. "Yes, it was rather horrible. I do feel very sad about it sometimes, but I've got dad. We both believe you, by the way. That He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back, and that (Y/N) fought him and the Ministry and the Prophet are conspiring against you." She said. "Thanks. It seems you're about the only ones that do." Harry replied. "I don't think that's true. But I suppose that's how he wants you to feel." Luna told him. "What do you mean?" Harry asked. "Well, if I were You-Know-Who, I'd want you to feel cut off from everyone else, because it's just you two, you're not as much as a threat." Luna grabbed a piece of raw meat and threw it at the Thestral chick, who devoured the meat. I looked at Harry and we both knew what we had to do.

We have to make it right

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