Nightmares can save lives

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The six of us sat in the common room, listening to Harry and what had happened when everyone left the Room of Requirement. Harry told us that he and Cho had kissed under the mistletoe. 

"What did it feel like?" I asked curious. "Wet." Harry answered and I snorted at his answer. "I mean she was sort of crying." Harry declared. "That bad at it, are you?" Ron joked. "I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory. Cho spends half the time crying these days." Hermoine said. "You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up." Ron said. "Me snogging Draco doesn't always cheer me up, so it could happen to anyone." I argued. "And don't you understand how she must be feeling?" Hermoine asked Ron and there fall an uneasy silence. "Well, obviously she's feeling sad about Cedric and confused about liking Harry and guilty for kissing him, conflicted because Umbridge might sack her mum from the Ministry and frightened of failing her OWLs because she's worrying about everything else." Hermoine rambled. "One person couldn't feel all that. They'd explode." Ron smiled. "Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon." Hermoine scoffed.

But her scoff turned soon into a laugh and she got the 6 of us laughing at her statement. 


I was sliding over a black tiled floor, through a dark hallway, towards a door with a golden doorknob in the middle. I looked at the wall, which was also covered in black tiles and saw my reflection. It didn't show a girl with (E/C) eyes and snakes for hair, but a gigantic green-black snake. 

I was Nagini

I slithered further towards the door. "Voldemort maybe after something." I hear the voice from Sirius say. "Something he didn't have last time." Sirius's voice continued. I came to the door and pushed it open. I slid into the room and saw a lot of shelves, filled with crystal balls. There was a small light ahead of me and I went towards it. I came closer and I saw a man with a wand in his hand, the tip was lit up. The man turned around and it was Mr. Weasley. 

I shot forward and knocked Mr. Weasley to the ground. I kept lunging at him, wounding him every time I came close. I felt a sickening amusement as I saw the fear on Mr. Weasley's face. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't. Nagini was to strong. I pulled back and looked at Mr. Weasley's face as it was completely covered in blood. 

Then I woke up.

I jumped out of my bed and ran towards Hermoine's bed. I shook her awake and told her we needed to go to Dumbledore. She asked why, but I ignored her question and went to Samira's bed. I shook her awake and dragged the two confused girls out of the room. On the way down, we met Harry, Ron and Daniel. Harry seemed just as panicked as I and when he saw me he jumped at me and held my by my shoulders. 

"Please tell me you didn't have that dream." He pleaded. I knew exactly what he meant and shook my head. "I had it too, Harry." This made him more paranoid and we darted out of the common room, towards Dumbledore's office.

We stormed into the room and found Dumbledore, pacing. We explained what we had seen and what we believed had happened to Mr. Weasley. "In the dream, were you standing next to the victim or looking down at the scene?" Dumbledore asked us. "Neither. It was like I....." Harry trailed off. "We were the ones that were doing it. We were inside the attackers head." I finished for Harry. "Professor, will you please just tell us what's happening?" Harry asked. 

Dumbledore ignored his question and turned to a painting that was hanging on the wall. Harry and I tried to get his attention, but Dumbledore kept ignoring us. My patience ran low and I felt that Harry's was to. I made a strange move with my neck and Harry did exactly the same.

"LOOK AT US!" We yelled. Dumbledore turned to us, a shocked expression on his face. "What's happening to us?" Harry asked, almost pleading. Dumbledore stayed silent, still shocked of what just happened. 

"You wished to see me, Headmaster?" A voice sounded from behind us. I looked over my shoulder and Snape was standing next to Harry. "Severus. I'm afraid we can't wait. Not even till the morning. Otherwise, we'll be vulnerable." Dumbledore stated. Snape eyed me and Harry and he grabbed Harry firmly by his arm and grabbed me gently.

He led us out of the office and brought, well dragged Harry and leading me, down to the dungeons. "It appears there's a connection between the Dark Lord's mind and your own. Whether he is yet, aware of this connection is, for the moment, unclear." Snape stated as he lead us into his office. He sat me down in a chair and Harry stood against the wall. Pray if he remains ignorant." Snape finished. "You mean, if he knows about it, then he'll be able to read our minds?" Harry asked. "Read it, control it, unhinge it. In the past, it was often the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims, creating visions designed to torture them into madness. Only after extracting the last exquisite ounce ounce of agony, only when he had them literally begging for death, would he finally kill them." I looked to Harry and saw a terrified expression on his face. He was afraid of what Voldemort could do to us. "Used properly, the power of Occlumency will help shield you from access or influence. In these lessons, I will attempt to penetrate your mind. You will attempt to resist. Prepare yourself." Snape pointed his wand at me. "Legillimens." Snape cried.

Visions of my friends and past events entered my mind. Hermoine hugging me when I arrived at Headquarters. The Dementors attacking me and Maggie last summer. The black door from my dreams. 

"Concentrate, (Y/N). Focus." Snape said as he stopped using the spell on me. Snape used the spell again and more memories flooded my mind.

The Chamber of Secrets and the gigantic basilisk. Sirius from my dreams. My father as he stood on the train station, waiting for me. Draco and I's first Christmas. Snape seemed to stop for a moment, realizing something, then entered my mind deeper. 

Draco helping me against the werewolf for of Lupin. Draco and I on Buckbeak. Me saving Draco from the merepeople. 

Snape tried to break me through my weakness.


I pushed back, resisting that he would see anything else from my privet life. "This is my mind, not yours!" I screamed at myself, but mostly at Snape. I resisted him and he could no longer see any of my memories. Snape stopped the spell and there tugged a smile at his lips. "I'm surprised you got it this fast." Snape said. I smiled lightly, but dropped it when there appeared a smirk on Snape's face. "I didn't know your relationship with Draco Malfoy was already on that stage." He grinned. I went pale and looked at Harry, who was first confused, then made a face of realization, then a look of disgust crossed his face. "You're next, Potter. (Y/N), you're done for today." I nodded and ran out of Snape's office.

Why did he have to say that?


All my projects from school have finished and I can finally work on this book again. I'll try to throw as many chapter as I can out there today and tomorrow more will follow.

Sorry for not updating

~Rachel <3

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