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Thank you for choosing to participate in the ARMY Awards! Before we get on to the forms, there are a few rules that need to be established.

1. No hate on any one or on any book.

2. No bribing the judges! If I find that judges have been bribed, you will be reported and your book will be disqualified from this contest.

3. Please do not act like you are a judge or a participant if I have not accepted you.

4. Absolutely no books about incest or extreme self harm or any other sensitive subjects, please don't make my judges read that.

5. Please see the category chapter to see if your book can still be entered in that category, if that category is no longer open, I'm not going to accept any more books for it unless a book is disqualified.

6. Please be sure to have fun!

And that's all for the rules, it's pretty simple really. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me! Please add this book to your library and/or a reading list to keep track of updated and important announcements.

The ARMY Awards 2019 [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now