Judging Rubric

222 23 14

Grammar (Highest number of points to get is a 3)

To get a 1:

Spelling is all over the place, there are many spelling mistakes

There are many run on sentences and sentence fragments

Detail didn’t make any sense with the context (diction)

To get a 2:

Spelling is okay but it could have been better

Punctuation is pretty good but could have been used more

Good diction

To get a 3:

Spelling is on point ad there are no mistakes

Punctuation makes every sentence perfect

Diction is very strong and detail makes sense with the context

Content (highest number of points to get is a 5)

To get a 1:

Content was very bland and didn’t make the reader want to read on

Connection to the characters felt unrealistic

Content was generally anticlimactic

To get a 2:

Content had very little detail and made the reader want to read on

Connection to the characters was there but was still unrealistic

Content had some sort of rising action but did not excite the reader

To get a 3:

Content had detail and made the reader want to read on

Connection to characters was a little realistic

Content rose to a climax but didn’t have a clear ending

To get a 4:

Content had a lot of detail and made the reader want to read on

Made the reader excited for what will happen next

Connection to the characters felt very realistic

Content had a full climax and an ending that was clear

To get a 5:

Content was extremely detailed and made the reader obsessed with what might happen next

Connection to the characters made the reader feel as if the character(s) were a real person that they could meet in real life

Content had a clear climax and ending that satisfied the reader

Description (highest number of points to get is a 3)

To get a 1:

The author barely described things

The writing style didn’t really sit with the reader and didn’t really make sense

Words had connotation that contradicted the context

To get a 2:

The author made a decent effort to describe things

The writing style was good but it could have been better

Words had a good connotation that fits the context

To get a 3:

The author made an exceptional effort to describe as many things as they could

The writing style was exceptional and made sense to the reader

Words had great connotation and flows with the storyline

Title/Cover (highest number of points to get is 3)

To get a 1:

Title didn’t fit the story

Title did not make the reader want to read it

•Cover did not make the reader want to read the story

To get a 2:

Title kind of goes along with the storyline

Title kind of made the reader want to read the story

•Cover drew the reader in and made them kind of want to read the story

To get a 3:

Title fits very well with the storyline

Title draws the reader in and makes them want to read it

•Cover was nicely made and made the reader want to read the story

Highest possible number of points to get is 14

Judges will judge and submit a form to me via pm. The form will look like this:

Story title, category
Grammar: _/3
Content: _/5
Description: _/3
Title: _/3
Total: _/14
One positive and one negative comment about the story

Official judges will be announced soon.

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