Life Update

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Due to overflowing request, here I am writing a new blog post.
This post might offend some.


Sebenernya bulan februari lalu gue ada ide nulis, tapi karena saat itu gue lagi sibuk belajar untuk ujian jadinya pikiran gue agak sedikit terdistraksi. Sekarang pun sebenernya gue lagi nggak menggebu-gebu banget untuk menulis, karena pikiran gue udah agak used up untuk bikin video, kerja, dan sedikit mengembangkan kehidupan sosial gue.
"Kehidupan sosial? I thought you were an introvert and anti-social."

Believe it or not di bulan ini gue udah hangout sama tujuh orang yang baru gue kenal. That's actually one of my 2016 resolutions anyway: meeting new people from different cultures. Satu orang Palestina, satu orang Vietnam, tiga orang Korea, dan dua orang Cina. Gue pertama ketemu sama si Palestina pas gue dateng ke TEDxBerlinSalon. I asked him to take a picture of myself with one of the speakers. Dan di kemudian hari kita berdua ketemuan di cafe sambil ngobrolin tentang negara asalnya. Di TEDxBerlinSalon gue juga ketemu sama si Vietnam. He was the one who scanned my ticket. I later then found out that he never had indonesian food.  So I took him to indonesian restaurant. Kalo si tiga orang Korea yang adalah mahasiswa pertukaran pelajar ketemu gue pas lagi ada syuting Hit Maker di Alexanderplatz. Setelah selesai nontonin syuting kita kelaperan dan makan bareng. Lalu kemaren lusa gue jalan-jalan sendirian ke daerah Teltow untuk ngeliat bunga sakura. Di sana gue kenalan sama dua orang Cina ini yang ternyata anak master di TU Berlin. Bahkan cowo gue pun kaget gue bisa sebegitu-socially active-nya, despite seorang gue yang basically nggak suka sama orang.

Me being more open and approachable nowadays got me thinking, "Why did I even try to be friends with these foreigners in the first place? And why foreigners?". Terus gue dapet pertanyaan di (yes, I am on that stupid social media). Pertanyaannya negatif. Cukup negatif sehingga instead gue jawab, I just blocked it right away, tried to brush it off. Jadi gue nggak ada screenshotnya untuk ngasih liat how stupid the question was. But at least this gave me the answer to my question above.
There are hundreds of things I dislike about hate questions/comments I got. Pertama, aja sebenernya udah nggak banget. I still don't even understand why I signed up. This platform is full of teenagers who don't know that there's a search generator name "Google". Instead of googling themselves, they'll annoyingly ask you questions that they could actually answered in freaking two minutes. Kedua, it makes you become a coward and a bully at the same time. You can approach someone and bash her/him without really telling who you are. If you are a loyal read of this blog, you would probably now I have quite a sharp tounge atau kata orang indo "Omongannya dalem." (walaupun sampe sekarang belom jelas how critical is critical, how unkind is unkind, how arrogant is arrogant, etc). But never in my life I bully someone online without giving a hint of identity. Why? Because it's the most ignorant, idiotic and dumbest thing ever. I'll give you some examples:

This one isn't about me, but my friend

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

This one isn't about me, but my friend. Orang macam apa yang mau capek-capek ngomong begini ke orang yang dia nggak kenal, yang dia temuin di dunia maya, dan yang jelas-jelas nggak ada hubungannya sama dia. Orang macam apa yang ngomong ke cewek lain, "Ternyata lo jelek ya. Gue kira lo cantik.". What a pathetic human being. Why so much hate?

Contoh kedua adalah ini

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Contoh kedua adalah ini. Si orang tersebut nggak langsung ke page gue, instead dia nge-ask temen gue tapi tetep mention username gue. Can someone help me to understand the level of ignorance these people have? What are they like in the real life? What kind of life do they have actually? And what kind of parents, who raise such a negative child?

Anyways, pertanyaan yang gue dapet tadi sore itu intinya adalah:
"Git, kok gue merasa lo suka kemakan omongan lo sendiri ya. Lo dulu bilang lo nggak suka sama orang-orang bikin vlog. Sekarang lo malah bikin juga. Yaa... Bukannya gue nggak suka nontonin vlog lo, sih. But still. Hheee..."

Yes, she wrote the "Hheeeee". I still dislike the phenomenon of random people who make awful vlogs. And 95% of the vlogs I saw are boring, not interesting. That's why I normally could only watch it for 10 seconds and I eventually didn't watch it at all. Here's the simplest analogy: when suddenly down the road people were opening pizza restaurant and all of them tasted horrible, of course I would make my own pizza. I don't hate the pizza (who in the world would hate pizza, anyway), I hate the pizza they made.
Di sini gue rada serba salah. Kalo gue ngejawab pertanyaan itu, it would trigger other moany teenagers to also saying the same thing dan mungkin gue akan terdengar sedikit jahat karena tentu saja gue akan ngasih the evilest comeback you could ever imagine. And I would probably sound pathetic, because I had to explain and justify myself to this genius random Anon who clearly got lots of free time, why I now also make vlogs on YouTube. Whilst my personal life and the why&becauses behind every decision I made are meant to be private. Makanya gue diem. Dan buat seseorang yang cukup sarkas dan nggak terlalu bisa dealing with stupidity, diam itu bukan emas. Diam itu siksaan. But then again I said to my self, "Git, you're too old to even deal with this.". Dan gue pun suka tersadar mungkin mereka hanya sebatas remaja galau yang kerjanya cuma beli kuota internet buat main hape 24 jam.

Selain buka gue juga suka buka Facebook. Kali ini gue akan sangat amat diam. Gue nggak mau ngelike postingan yang terlalu kontroversial atau gimana. Just because gue nggak mau bikin news feed temen-temen gue jadi kotor dan negatif. Tapi tentu aja orang lain nggak berpikir kayak gitu. Sekarang kan lagi heboh pemilu gubernur tuh. Kalo dia support Ahok, dia bakal terus-terusan ngepost atau ngelike postingan yang muji-muji Ahok. Kalimat andalan? "Mending non-islam tapi bersih daripada islam tapi korupsi." Begitu juga dengan orang yang nggak suka sama Ahok. Kata yang paling sering mereka gunain saat ini pasti sama,  Kafir. Bahkan temen gue yang bukan orang Jakarta, yang pas pemilu presiden nggak milih siapa-siapa, sekarang ikutan hebring jadi Teman Ahok (next time please set your priority straight, mate). Here I am nge-hide-hidein postingan tentang Ahok. I am utterly sick of it, both the pros and cons. Kadang gue suka malu jadi orang Jakarta. Orang di Papua dapet air bersih aja susah, ini kita malah berasa jadi penduduk kota paling penting di Indonesia.

On the other day a friend of mine curhat tentang dia yang capek harus berada di lingkaran pertemanan dia saat ini. Isinya cewek-cewek and all they did were shopping, nongkrong cantik, haha-hihi, ngomongin cowok, etc. Dia juga bilang there were lots of backbiting and stuff. I wasn't surprise, tho. Gue menyarankan dia untuk cari lingkaran yang lain, karena manusia itu ada berjuta-juta dan nggak semuanya suck. I hope she did, karena gue tau gimana frustrating nya berada di situasi kayak gitu (been there done that).

The point I am trying to make is, while I can listen to stories of my new friends, self-reflect and even inspired by them. On the other side of my social bubble, all I got is.... nothing? I find it rather weird.
Nggak semua temen indo gue kayak gitu. There are some cool people in my circle (lagi-lagi harus menjelaskan untuk menghindari komentar pembaca-pembaca yang sensitip dan mudah tersinggung). But....

Ah, I am done explaining. You do get my point.

Gita Savitri DeviTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang