in between her cigarettes (jensoo)

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space for two // mr. probz

[ jensoo - smut & slowburn ]

a smut is good when a reader is in condition. so heat yourself up.


"Quit it, it's still 9 in the morning for fuck's sake." In remnance of the commanding voice howling at the back of her ears Jennie exhaled the cigar smoke with force as it glorified with the cold air and threw the unfinished smoke stick right away.

Jennie quickly turned herself towards the owner of the voice, "you know what else should quit?" her nonchalance didn't bother Jisoo's unamused eyes, Jennie didn't care to bother also so she continued, "your annoying mom demands." the rolling of her eyes came with the words

It was just a normal bickering skit for them.

"your childish ass makes me old." Jisoo rebutted, she was sick of reminding jennie to figure her shit out but what else could she do, she is in love with the toxic darling

"break up with me then" challenge was up on jennie's alley but this strategy was too familiar with the older girl for she has been staring through those troubled lips of her lover for a long while now and she knew what words were true and what words weren't - and right now jennie's speaking "bullshit," Jisoo's thought firmly echoed. she knew the girl's truth more than anyone else.

"you care too much, Jisoo. i wouldn't be doing that if i were you." the stringent words nailed into the other girl's heart, it was aching for her to let herself admit that Jennie was right. whatever mess Jennie was in and was doing she just couldn't let go of the young lady, she know she'd miss the poison too much. her violent vigor, her mouth fumed with menthol cigs, her grinding scent, her unfaltering cockiness, and her tempered riots. Jisoo wanted all of her recklessness, even though it swallows her whole. Jennie was dangerous but the latter was all up for the pain.

"i care because i need to, you'd be dead by now if i didn't." jisoo spoke with a cold foreign tone for she could never tell jennie the depth of her affection because she knew the girl would run. jennie has always been scared of feelings, of confessions, of vulnerability, of depending on someone besides herself. that's why jisoo would rather stay ten feet away from jennie's heart than pronounce her love and be miles away from it.

jennie's ears tingled as she pulled out a sly smirk from her lips and gazed at her supposed to be girlfriend, "you always fuck me up whenever i stare at you." the feline girl's fixed stare and subtle confession made jisoo's heart swindle and skeptic, the words of the latter was always a pool of uncertainty for her, but jennie's heart were skies and roses, calm and warm for jisoo, for she was lost in the girl's blinding beauty again. it was like a glimpse of an oasis, like a taste of a sanctuary she's never been to but would die to go there. "lovely, lovely, lovely." jennie spoke with severe adoration. her obsession with jisoo's angelic face never died down and her heart won't even dare to for she has always been an addiction, "you're mine, okay?" the tanned skin lady spoke possession over the snow skinned maiden as she pecked a kiss from the secretly smitten lady before her

for keeping the most treasured jewel for herself was her only plankeeping jisoo was the only plan.

"I've never been for anyone else." the older replied, "but if you won't start attending your classes then i guess being yours will be out of the picture." jisoo bluntly made a ultimatum which left jennie perplexed but impressed. jennie just huffed a short laugh and said, "this is the reason why you're my favorite person to fuck with."

then both proceeded again to class like they were going to ace that physics pop quiz mr. foster will give them which will never be the case at all


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