Chapter 6 - Who Do You Think You Are... Who Do You Think I Am?

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I woke up late the next morning, and checked my phone. 11:07am. Surprised I had not yet found a message from Liam. He must still be asleep or something? I thought to myself. I got up feeling rather grogy and still tired from the night before. I walked down stairs and made my self some toast for breakfast. "Morning" Ellie croaked as she shuffled into the kitchen. "Morning! How are you feeling this morning?" I asked as i buttered my toast. "Agh! I feel like death! I know I've said it a hundred times before but i mean it this time, I am NEVER drinking again". "Hahaha! I believe you" I chuckled as I picked at my toast. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see if Liam had messaged me yet. Nothing. It was now 11:40 and i started feeling anxious as to why i haven't heard from Liam yet, considering I was leaving London soon to go home. I decided to have a shower to pass the time. I stood in the hot water as I let it wash away my hangover.

20 minutes later I jumped out the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I hopped across the hall into my room and started to get dressed. I put on my my blue knee length dress and long white cardigan. I decided to check my phone again. I felt like my stomach was caving in, I was so anxious. I unlocked my phone to find there was still no message from Liam. The time was now after 12:30 and I was starting to get annoyed. I leave for Wolverhampton in an hour and a half (2pm). I decided i couldn't wait around any longer, I called Liam. I held my breath waiting for the phone to start ringing. 

"Your call could not be connected...''  My heart sank. What is Liam playing at? I decided i would try and call Andy to see if Liam was with him. This time, the phone started ringing.

" Hey babe" Andy answered.

"Hi Andy how are you?" I replied trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Not bad, not bad, yourself? How did you pull up yesterday?" 

"Uh, not too bad actually... ah listen, have you heard from Liam this morning?" I asked while I twirled my hair in my fingers feeling nervous.

"No, I haven't, actually, Im pretty sure he's with Danielle..." those words shattered through my mind. Why the fuck was he with her when he was suppose to see me?

"Ohh, I see... ah never mind i'll talk to him later" I quickly said as calmly as I could

"Alright babe, not a problem, see you soon" Andy said and hung up.

 I let out a deep breath. Fuck this. Who does he thinks he is? Getting my hopes up like that and then ignoring my existence the next day. I started to pack my bag as little hot tears stream down my face. I just wanted to go home to my own bed, in my own house and forget about Liam. Things wouldn't work out with us anyway, he's always to busy. "Erin! Are you all packed!?" Ellie called to me from down stairs. I sniffed back and wiped my eyes before answering. "Yeah El, I won't be a moment" I called back. Ellie came up and made her way into the room. "Do you mind if we leave a little earlier, I just want to get home" Ellie said as she helped me pack my bad. I couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive at the thought of leaving sooner, I guess i was just hoping Liam would still call me before I left. "Yes, thats fine, I know how you feel" I said as i grab the last of my things and shoved them into my bad.


We had been driving for an hour now when my phone started ringing. Liam calling...

At first, i wanted to decline and ignore him, but for some reason, my last minute reaction was to answer.  

"Hello?" I answered sharply.

"Hey babe, sorry i didn't call you sooner, I've just been a little tied up, do we still have time to meet up?" 

"Liam... I left London over an hour ago" I said bitterly.

"What!? What do you mean you've already left? I thought you weren't leaving till tonight?" he said sounding almost angry.

"Well Liam... I'm not going to wait around for you forever" I snapped back at him.

"Babe, I said Im sorry, something came up I had to take care of"

"Oh, my was your day with Danielle?" I said sarcastically.

"Fuck" was all Liam managed to say.

"Yeah... thats what i thought. Care to explain why seeing your 'ex' girlfriend was more important then saying goodbye to me?" I snapped again. 

"Erin, Im so sorry, things are a little more complicated than i predicted them to be" Liam said, trying to sound almost sorry for himself. I felt my stomach starting to knot even tighter.

"What is that suppose to mean!?" I yelled

"Erin! I was with her for 2 years, its not just going disappear over night." he can be so patronising at times.

"Well then, have it your way. Im not going to let you play games with me... Don't speak to me again until it's over for good" I snapped. 

"Erin wa-" Liam said as i hung up.

I could feel my heart breaking. Was I too harsh?

The tears started to stream down my face. "Was that Liam?" Ellie asked pretending she didn't already know. "Yeah" I whispered. "I don't want to talk about it now though please El?" I pleaded with my sister as she gave me a look of despair. "Not a problem babe, I know how boys can be..." 

I turned back and looked out the window at the green country side. Only an hour and a bit to go... 

I Can't Believe I Let You Walk Away ( part 2 )Where stories live. Discover now