Who's the traitor? Not me!

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Graystripe's body was curled around Silverstream as he lapped at her head. They were both purring, as she felt something rip and claw at her body. The kits! She couldn't be having them now, but it was already too late. Turning his head around, Graystripe saw his best friend hunting near the Sunning Rocks.

"Fireheart!" He called out. The ginger tabby tom perked his head up, and flicked his tail in greeting. Only to notice Silverstream. "Would you like me to go fetch Cinderpaw?" He asked. Politely, Graystripe dipped his head. Turning back around Fireheart raced for camp.

Present Time

It had been two moons since Silverstream's death and the birth of Graystripe's kits. Fireheart's piercing green eyes glared at the back of Tigerclaw's head. Why did he think we're traitors? We are not! Whipping around, he stalked off to find Graystripe. It worried him how bad his best friend was becoming more distant. Sometimes he even talked about going to RiverClan.

But he couldn't leave. Not now, not ever. ThunderClan is his home, where he belonged. Though Fireheart felt like he couldn't convince him to stay. Which worried him dearly. Oh so dearly

Wilting Roses Never Bloom (Graystripe x Fireheart)Where stories live. Discover now