Don't Forget

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Stormkit and Featherkit must be a hassle if he's been gone that long... Fireheart's focus was on his best friend's kits. If he could even call Graystripe a best friend anymore, for how long he's been distancing himself on the island of RiverClan. Bramblepaw stuck his nose in his mentor's pelt, hoping to grab his attention.

"Yes Bramblepaw?" - Said tom-cat asked, turning to face the smiling apprentice - who indeed looked just like his murderous father, Tigerclaw. Fireheart tried his best to relinquish all thoughts of the ex-deputy, but only to have the thoughts return to his conscious.

"Why couldn't we have brought Tawnypaw and Brackenfur?"

A lie, that's all that was, a simple lie to distract Bramblepaw's young mind. "Brackenfur wasn't feeling good today, so he allowed Tawnypaw a break,"

"Like what do you mean, he wasn't feeling well? Something like a bellyache, or- or a chipped tooth?"

"A fever, Bramblepaw. Brackenfur has a fever,"

As they past by the two-leg place Fireheart felt the urge to confront his sister, about all of his issues. She might be some help. "Fireheart!" Bramblepaw wailed, casting his tail over himself.


"I see a rabbit. Should I go catch it?"

"Please, Bramblepaw and don't forget what I taught you," - A sigh escaped his lips as his apprentice scrambled away, avoiding any and all branches that would disturb the prey of the forest. Fireheart sat down and began grooming his paw-pads; a forever odd feeling in his heart.

Why, of all cats, did it have to be about Graystripe and what was this aching feeling that ate him up on the inside?

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