He's Got To Be Somewhere

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His ears were hot, as his eyes felt moist and cold from the time he was crying in the warriors' den. Fireheart shook his pelt out, and set his sights on the cat who had a mental manipulation on his emotions. With a hefty sigh, he left the den and wondered around camp. Nothing felt worse than how constricted the tom-cat felt at the moment, as if an adder was wrapping its tail around his chest.

No, nothing, his best friend hadn't been seen by any cat for the entire day. That only made Fireheart more determined to figure out the truth of Graystripe's actions. As he walked over to the leader's den he spotted Bluestar relaxing in the center of camp. How come I didn't see her there before? He thought.

"Are you perhaps looking for Graystripe?"

"Yes, I am, actually!" - He could hear a faint snort flared from her nose as the she-cat stretched out her front legs. "He just went hunting,"

"Thank you Bluestar, you really are a life saver,"

With that, only a ginger wisp could bee seen flying out of ThunderClan camp, out to the territories of the forest.

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