Within RiverClan Territory

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As the path of the river connected from ThunderClan to RiverClan territory, Fireheart sighed and looked at his paws. He was always running around for someone he cared about, but why wouldn't anyone do the same for him? A few more fox-lengths to go and he would reach his destination.

"Fireheart?" A voice mumbled, sounding as if they had just woken up. Turning his head to the side, he peeked over his shoulder. "What are you doing here?" - Of course it had to be Graystripe.

The tom snorted in sudden relief and groomed his chest. "I came to find you, mouse-brain. Where have you been?"

"Thinking about moving to RiverClan so I can take care of my kits. It just doesn't feel right not being able to see them all the time,"

His jaw dropped open at the comment, before Fireheart composed himself. "Don't go, please," He whispered, shaking his head.

"You of all cats should understand Fireheart,"

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!" - The Forest was dead silent after that, leaving an embarrassed Fireheart and a stunned Graystripe. "I can't loose the only friend I have left,"

"I promise, once my kits are warriors then I shall return to ThunderClan, but the cats there aren't as accepting as you are. That's why I'm leaving,"

"Then promise me one thing Graystripe,"

"What's that?"

"Don't forget about me,"

Wilting Roses Never Bloom (Graystripe x Fireheart)Where stories live. Discover now