9 - Blue

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I wake up early the next morning feeling soft and light, like one of the mint feathers on the birds yesterday. I pace around my room, singing out the feeling. I can't remember when I heard the words of songs that flow out of my mouth, they just come to me. I shut my eyes, blocking out the white, and visualise the green. I get through about six songs before there's a knock on my door and Diana opens it. I smile at her, and her jaw drops.

"Mashiho... have you been singing?" she asks incredulously.

I nod. I sang after Junkyu left yesterday, too, just for a little while.

Her scarlet lips curve into a smile, she runs a hand through her chocolate ponytail and shakes her head.

"What is it?" I ask. She seems confused. Have I done something wrong?

"Nothing, it's just been a long time since I heard that voice of yours. And I'm so glad you're smiling so much," she says. "But... I'd really like to know why. You still don't want to tell me?"

I don't. She'll ruin it.

"Nothing happened. I'm just happy," I say.

I know I haven't convinced her, but she doesn't pry.

Blue takes my breath away. Junkyu and I stand on a lump of sand (which Junkyu tells me is a sandbank) surrounded by calm, shimmering water which extends as far as the eye can see, as does the clear sky above us. The smell of salt tickles my nostrils, and I can hear the delicate sound of the water as it rolls around in gentle waves.

I see no sign of anyone else. "Where's the blue boy?"

Junkyu takes tiny steps, tottering around in a full circle and looking around everywhere. I smile at how cute he looks. "I don't know. Hyunsuk!" he shouts the name so loud I jump.

That's when the blue boy emerges from the water, dripping wet, and waves at us.

Junkyu bursts out laughing. "So you're a sea creature now?"

The boy smirks, and opens his arms. "Come on, Junkyu, give your friend a hug."

He walks towards Junkyu and he scrambles behind me. "No! You're all wet!"

The boy chuckles and drops his arms, then grins at me. "Hi, Mashi. I'm Hyunsuk."

"Hi Hyunsuk," I say, happy he used my nickname that Junkyu has made me love.

"Welcome to blue, easily the best colour." Hyunsuk gestures around us grandly.

"His favourite colour is actually purple," Junkyu says with an adorable giggle.

Hyunsuk points a finger at Junkyu. "Shut up. Blue represents confidence. If I'm confident when I say it's the best colour, then it doesn't matter if what I'm saying is true."

"It also represents sadness. He's really sad that Yedam gets to live in his favourite colour," Junkyu says, and Hyunsuk punches him in the shoulder.

"Anyway, enjoy your time here, Mashi. Hopefully Junkyu doesn't annoy you too much," Hyunsuk says with a wink, then dives back into the water, barely making a splash.

"He was funn—" I begin to say, but Junkyu puts his hands on the my face, bends down and cuts me off with a kiss.

He pulls away and smiles his stunning smile at me. "Hi. I don't know why I waited so long to do that."

I have to stand on my tiptoes to give him a kiss too. "The wait just made it better."

"Okay. I'm just gonna go through this real quick, the sky is sky blue, the water is mostly turquoise, but those deeper, darker bits are sapphire. See this shell over here? That's azure. My shorts are navy, Hyunsuk's shirt was cobalt. Now I'm gonna kiss you again."

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