Tour #4

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Ryland POV

"Texas!" Ross shouted in my ear.

"Yeah, Ross, I know!" I shouted back.

I pulled over my black T-shirt and went to Sara's bunk.

I curled up next to her and kissed her neck. She giggled and opened her eyes.

I wrapped my hand around her waist and smothered her neck with more kisses.

She laughed more and more and suddenly turned her face so my lips were now on her lips.

She started to slowly move her lips against mine and moved closer to me.

I slid my hands through her hair and let a small moan out. I pushed harder and moved my hands down to her back.

God, this was perfect.

"Eww, stop," Ross squealed.

And he just ruined it.

"Come on get dressed," I sighed as I got off on her.

She smirked at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"You gonna leave?" she giggled.

"Do I have to," I raised an eyebrow.

She nodded and pushed me out of the way. I saw her strut to the bathroom, look back at me, and smile.

A minute later she came out wearing a black T-shirt saying "Live it, Love it, Dream it," red jeans, and black Toms.

"Guys, come on, we are going to the rodeo!" Rocky yelled.

I saw Sara run up to Rydel and walk out the tour bus.

Ross came up to me and bumped me on my shoulder.

"How was your little make out session?"he asked, stifling a laugh.

" Shut up!"

He let out a laugh and ran up to Rocky.


"Woo, now its show time!" Riker exclaimed.

"That was an amazing rodeo," Rocky said

"I know, did you see that one guy on the bull? It was like 15 seconds!" I replied.

Sara smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"Guys, c'mon, you need to get dressed!" Dad exclaimed interrupting our conversation.

I jumped up and ran to my dressing room. I noticed my Mom lay me out an outfit consisting of a red T-shirt, black jeans, and gray high tops.

"Dude, your on!" Riker stated,peeking into my room.

I nodded and sprinted out the room. I looked around the room and noticed Sara wasn't there. I shrugged it off and ran on stage.

The crowd roared as I went into my first song.

Time went on as we jumped, sang, and yelled to the songs.

Than I turned on "All of Me." I smiled. I had an idea.

Are we JUST friends?-Ryland Lynch fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now