Chapter 52

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I could barely react as I felt my stomach being stretched open. Thank God for the dividers because I knew that my stomach was completely cut open. 

I also thank my mother for being there for me, holding my hand as they prepare to pull my daughter of me. 

Michael wasn't here. I briefly heard everyone panicking over him missing the birth of our child but I already knew that it was a done deal, as soon as I was rushed to the hospital, I was prepared for the caesarean. 

To keep me in labour longer would raise the risk seeing as I was never fully healed. Going through this pregnancy was a whole risk but it was a risk that I willing take, if I meant that I could have the chance of baring my own biological child. 

It felt like hours before I heard the cries, my face slightly scrunched up as I felt a big tug. I felt my baby being pulled out of me as her cries got louder. I took a deep breath as I prepared myself for this moment. Tears started to former and carelessly slid down my face as I saw her tiny body being lifted in the air. 

"She's so beautiful." My mom says with tears falling down her face as she squeezes my hand. "Oh Luxe, I'm so proud of you."

"Who will cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asks as he is handed a pair of scissors. My mom looks at me before looking out of the window. 

"Do it, mama." I whisper while giving her an encouraging smile. She gives me her million dollar smile before letting go of my hand and walking over to the doctor.

"I will." I close my eyes as she cuts the cord. I watch as they wrap my daughter up before turning to face me.

"Does the mother want to hold the child?" A nurse asks and I frantically nod my head up and down, I wish that my arms would go up but I'm exhausted. My mum pulls my gown down as the moment that I have been waiting for is about to happen.

I bite my lip, not wiping away the tears as the doctor places my daughter on my bare chest. I close my eyes as I place my hands on her back, she's so perfect.

The skin to skin moment was something that I waited for, I love how my daughter quietens down as our skin remain touching. She hasn't opened her eyes just yet but I don't mind as I stare down at her beautiful body. Her head is full of dark hair and she skin is almost like mine but slightly paler. Which is understandable considering that she hasn't been properly cleaned but I can't believe that she is mine.

"Beautiful." My mom whispers as she takes pictures of us. 

The next few hours were a blur. My daughter was taken to be cleaned while I had to have my stomach put back together but some complications arose as I began to feel an immense amount of pain from my pelvic area. I couldn't remember what was being said as I blacked out. 


"How you feeling?" I blink a few times as I search the room for the source of the voice. I spot Michael standing at the bottom of the bed, holding our little girl.

"How does my makeup look?" I croak and I give the nurse a faint smile as she hands me my water. She checks my vitals before walking out of the room and leaving us alone.

"Luxe." I sigh as I look away. "I'm sorry."

"You missed her birth." I hear a small noise and I look at my daughter, I did that. 

"I know. I got the first flight that I could once I heard the news," He walks closer to me, "by the time I arrived, you was wheeled into surgery. God, I was so scared. My daughter was born but at what cost, her being born could've meant that I lost you."

"Then so be it." I hiss. "This is the only chance that I have of motherhood. It was a risk but I took it regardless and I would do it a thousand times more."

"Even if it meant that you died?" He questions while looking at me, defeated.

"Even if." I confirm before motioning for him to hand me my baby. At that moment, my parents walk into the room.

Michael gently places her on my chest and I immediately wrap my arms around her. I look down at her precious face and can't help but gasp as I see her eyes staring up at me. This is the first time that I've seen her eyes open, it somewhat makes me sad knowing that I wasn't the first person that she laid her eyes on.

"Honey." My mom sighs as she rushes over, placing a passionate kiss on my temple. "God, Luxe we almost lost you."

"I know." I tiredly say as I caress my daughters face. "She's perfect."

"She is." My dad says as he pushes past Michael and stands on the other side of me. "I'm so proud of you Luxe."

"How do you feel knowing that your both grandparents?" I ask with a small smile as I slightly lift my daughter up higher, finding comfort in her warmth. 

"I'm so in love." My mom answers before bursting into tears. "We just didn't know that this was possible after the accident. Even though you carried the baby for 8 months, we still didn't know what to expect. It's all so surreal."

"I had a baby." I whisper.

"Have you decided on a name?" Michael asks and I give him a lazy smile.

Posted 1 hours ago 

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Posted 1 hours ago 

LuxeLopez: Michael and I are happy to share with you the birth of our daughter, Maya Rose Lopez Combs-Jordan. We are so in love and I hope that you will respect our privacy as we enjoy these precious moments. I have a YouTube video coming out tomorrow, explaining everything x

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