Chapter 68

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Third POV:

After Michael and Luxe made love to eachother, they decided to give things a go but with the idea that they were going to take things slow. Luxe decided to keep things on the down low but after Justin Combs walked in on them making out, they announced their relationship to their family and friends. At first, nobody was on board with the whole relationship but after they saw how Michael had changed, they decided to give it a chance. Diddy had threatened to ruin Michael's career, should he hurt his daughter again. 

During the third week of their reunion, Michael had brought his son over to bond with Maya and Luxe. During this time, Luxe had started to experience some heavy bleeding and just assumed it to be period so she spoke nothing of it.

Jennifer Lopez commented that Luxe had lost a substantial amount of weight so Luxe decided to finally go to the hospital with her mother. In six hours, Luxe underwent four different tests and an X Ray before being released. Luxe then went on to address her weightloss on Instagram after her doctor called her to come back to the hospital.

Luxe started to experience chronic pelvic pain upon arriving at the hospital. She was later informed that she was suffering from a miscarriage. Not even a day later, Luxe fell into a coma.

Her family were called to the hospital where they waited to find out any news. Upon receiving the test results, the doctors explained that Luxe was in need of a hysterectomy. She had caught a life threatening infection in her uterus and they were shocked to see that she didn't look as bad as she should have at her appointment. 

Having another baby was something that everyone knew was impossible for Luxe but they were shocked to find out that she was pregnant again. Luxe had secretly remained hopeful that she would get pregnant again but she knew that the chances were very slim. Michael seemed to take the pregnancy news the hardest and ended up trashing a hospital room. 

Maya, as confused as she was taken to stay with her godmother who vowed to watch over her. The Combs family had seemed to fall apart as Luxe remained in a coma, the doctors were unable to figure out why she was in a coma but they saw it to be a good thing because it would keep her from feeling all the pain. 

Not long after, the doctors put Luxe on life support after her heart began to fail.  By day nine, Jennifer was ready to pull Luxe off life support once she realised the true extent to what her daughter was going through. The doctors had assumed that Luxe was not feeling anything but her body was suffering, her body was dying and they knew it. 

They performed the hysterectomy on Luxe but her condition only seemed to get worse so Jennifer decided to make the decision that would break the heart of millions. 

She was going to pull the plug.


"Are you sure that you want to do this?" The doctor asks Jennifer as she stands over her daughter. "There is no going back."

The only people in the room were Jennifer, Diddy and Quincy. The others couldn't be here for this moment, nobody could watch their sister, friend and lover die. Not everybody agreed with the decision but they were tired of seeing her suffer. 

Maybe this was right.

"That's my daughter." Diddy cries as he got on his knees besides Luxe's bed. "My motherfucking daughter, my first born. How can I live knowing that I outlived her?"

Jennifer stays silent as her hand hovers over the machine that would end the life of Luxury Dia-Lopez Combs.

"Don't do this Jennifer." Diddy pleads. "For the love of God, that's our daughter."

"I have to." Jennifer hisses at him. "She is suffering."

Diddy kicks over the chair.

"DAD!" Quincy rushes over to him as Diddy loses control.

"Jennifer, if you do this then I will divorce you and I mean it." Jennifer pales as she looks at her husband. 

Silence falls in the room as Jennifer and Diddy have a stare down.

Jennifer eventually breaks it as she turns to face her daughter, "I have to do this."

Diddy lets out an animalistic scream and soon is restrained by security. As they begin to drag him out of the room, he starts screaming.


Tears falls from Jennifer's eyes as Quincy walks out of the room, shaking his head.

"Ms Lopez-Combs?" The doctors gains her attention. 

Jennifer ignores the doctor as she bends down besides her daughter.

"I don't know if you can hear me but I'm doing this for you." She kisses her cheeks. "But if you don't want this then let me know, Luxe. You have to let me know."

Jennifer stays looking at Luxe for a few minutes but once she sees nothing, she stands up and turns to the doctor.

"Sorry about that." She says as she wipes away her tears.

"No need to apologise." The doctor gives her a sad look. "It's not the easiest choice to make but a choice needs to be made. I'll ask once more, are you sure about this?"

Jennifer nods her head.

"I am." They walk back over to the machine. "I want to be the one to do it, it's my daughter."

"I understand."

Just as Jennifer goes to switch off the life support, they hear a loud gasp and they both turn to Luxe whose hands are frantically trying to pull at the tubes attached to her.

"OH GOD!" Jennifer screams as she falls to her knees, she begins to cry as the doctor calls for the nurses.

"Ms, I need you to vacate the room." Jennifer gives Luxe one last look as she stands to her feet, she walks out of the room and takes a deep breath. 

Luxury is alive. Her only child, her only daughter is alive and Jennifer hates herself for coming to such a decision. 

She almost ended the life of her every being, the life of the person who made everything worth it. She almost ended the life of Maya's mother, a girl who may never forgive her grandmother once she found out about this at a later stage.

Would Luxe forgive her?

Could she?


"She's awake." Jennifer announces to her family and friends who look at her in complete disbelief. "She's alive."

Nia Phoenix is the first to react as she lets out a loud scream as she embraces Jennifer in a much needed hug. Cries of joy, pain and sorrow fill the room.

Jennifer locks eyes with Diddy and she can't help but feel hurt by his words. She knew that things would never be the same between them and that was a fact. All Diddy could do was nod at her before turning to the twins and Chance. 

Jennifer's mother gives her daughter a small slap on the face before pulling her in for a hug.

"See mija, all you have to do is believe." 

Michael stayed in the chair with his head buried in his hands. He wondered if Luxe would be happy to be alive, her womb had been taken out without her permission. Even though she knew that her dreams of having more children were very slim, she was still hopeful but now that's done. 

All that hope was removed. 

Her womb was removed.

She miscarried. 

She almost died.

She would never be the same again.

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