Chapter 10

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I wake up to the sound of water dripping. I ignore the sound and continue sleeping for a second before remembering what happened and snap my eyes open.

I find myself in a really dark room with moss-covered stone walls and floor.

I sit up, stretching my stiff back. It hurts from lying on the cold ground.

I can't see anything clearly because of the dim lighting but I sure as hell see the bars a few feet away, covering the only way out. I'm in a jail cell, I realize. I remember a Witch knocking me out with her power and, well, that's the only thing I remember.

This means that the Nex has captured me. Somehow I imagined their jail cells to be a little... different. Like all techy and modern with instruments of torture hanging off the walls.

Nonetheless I start to panic. They're gonna torture information out of me and when I'm no use to them they will kill me.

I immediately stand up, survival instincts kicking in, and look around for an exit.

The only thing except the bars is the small window where the moonlight is shining in from but, not considering the bars covering it, it's too small for me, anyone, to be able to get out.

I freak up. I turn around and walk to the cell bars. I grip them tight and try to move them, hoping my powers would just appear and help me, but to no avail.

After a while of pulling I give up and rest my forehead on the bars. They're gonna kill me. I'm gonna die. This is the end.

I sigh and fall to my knees, forehead still resting on the cold bars, the smell of metal invading my senses.

"So you give up." I jump and gasp as I hear the unfamiliar voice. I look around in alarm, trying to find the source.

"I'm in front of you."

I snap my head to the front and stare at the cell in front of me. I squint as I try to make out something in the dim light of the moon shining through the window behind me.

I finally see a figure hunched over in a corner near the bars.

"Who are you?"

He turns to look at me and even in the poor lighting I can still make out some of his features; his dark hair, sharp jawline, even sharper eyes.

He doesn't answer and just looks at me. I frown.

"What's your name?" I ask when he still doesn't answer.

"It doesn't matter." He breathes out, looking at the ground.

"Why are you here?"

His eyes snap up to meet mine. "Aren't you supposed to tell me who you are first?"

"Not necessarily. You didn't. I won't. What are you doing here?"

He chuckles lowly. "What are you doing here?"

I frown. "I asked you first."

"And I asked you second. Now answer."

I scowl but decide to answer anyway. "I don't know," I say sincerely. "You?"

He hesitates for a second but then I see him shrug in the darkness. "Me neither."

We remain in silence for a moment. "How long have you been here?"

He frowns at the ground. "I'm not sure."

"Right," I nod.

"Are you going to tell me what your name is?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

I remember learning a long time ago at school that names have power and it's wrong to give it to just anyone. I shake my head.

He pouts, frowning. I roll my eyes at his childishness and stay silent.

"Evin." I snap my head in his direction. How did he know? "That's your name isn't it?" I remain silent. He smirks in triumph and turns away from me, resting the back of his head on the wall on closing his eyes.

"How did you know?"

"I don't have to tell you anything," He says, his smirk growing.

I scoff and turn away from him.

"Do you know how to get out of here?" I ask looking out the window at the bright moon.

"If I did I wouldn't be here." He chuckles.

"True." I take a deep breath; I don't want to be here forever. "Has anyone tried to get you out?"

"Nope. I have no one out there." He sighs. Now I feel bad. "Well I do have my sister but she can't get me out."

"Why not?"

"I don't know where we are, no one knows." My shoulders sag in defeat. He's right. Sekuum would have to exist before we get rescued.

I frown.

"I don't exactly have a good reputation either. Not like anyone would willingly come searching for me."

"What about your country?" I ask, noticing his different accent. Countries in Kosmos always care for their people, no matter how insignificant they might seem. The countries would definitely save you in such a situation.

He sighs. "They don't like me either."

"But wouldn't they still come for you?"

"Not when they threw me out."

My eyes widen. Oh.

"Why did they exile you?"

"Because they're scared."

"Of what?"

Adam takes a deep breath before answering. "Of my powers."

"Why would they be afraid of your powers? What are you? Where are you from?"

He groans and turns to me with an annoyed look. "Maybe another time ok?" He turns away from me and rests the back of his head on the wall, closing his eyes. Something, I've noticed, he does a lot. "I suggest you go to sleep. When they come tomorrow you will be needing all the energy you can get."

He doesn't talk after that and I turn away from him, staring at the moon again.

I'm scared.

I sigh deeply. I just want to go back home. With Mom, Dad, Etan and Elon. Is that too much to ask.

I close my eyes and feel sleep taking over even though I'm too scared to close my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I snap my attention back to Adam.

"What for?"

"I'm sorry you're here. If I could I would definitely help you escape."

"And why can't you help me?" I frown at him, confused.

He opens his mouth for a second before closing it. "Maybe I can," he mutters to himself before he turns to face me.

"Pay attention to your surroundings. What do you find wrong with this place?"

I look around me trying to concentrate but it's hard. Really hard. Nothing seems out of place. Nothing seems wrong.

He clearly sees this and tries a different approach. "Try closing your eyes but keep listening to me ok?" I nod and close my eyes. "Good. Calm down. Take a deep breath and try to imagine where you want to be right now." I do as he says and imagine being home with Etan and Elon and Mom and Dad. I want to go home.

I hear Adam stand up and get closer to my cell. "That's it. Think of good things and try to sleep ok?" I nod even though I don't want to sleep.

The last thing I feel before slipping into dreamland is him placing two fingers on my forehead. "You're safe," Adam whispers. I don't even have time to think how he made it into my cell before sleep takes over and all I see is black with a hint of gold in the middle, like a light at the end of a tunnel.

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