In your arms

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Ochako's POV

I walk down to the common area to meet some of my friends. We are going shopping and I'm super exited. Not just because of the shopping but also because Deku is coming along. Wait what. No I am exited about shopping nothing more. Ugh I wish Aoyama never said anything.

I look down with a hint of pink covering my cheeks. I don't really look where I am going, and that was my mistake. I trip over a pencil and fall on the ground.

"Uraraka are you ok?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"I think so" I respond.

I get up and look into two green eyes. I completely froze and couldn't help but blush.

Izuku's POV

"Uraraka are you ok?" I ask while running towards her.

"I think so" She responses.

She gets up and our eyes lock. I can't help admiring every beautiful detail of her face. Her big chocolate brown eyes, her cute pink cheeks. Her soft lips. Everything about her is just....... perfect. My face is completely flustered. I try to speak up.

"U-u-ura." I couldn't finish my sentence because my mouth wouldn't allow it for some reason.

Katsuki's POV

I walk down the hallway to go get food in the common area when I come across deku and round face. Wait what were there names again? Not like it matters.

"OI, GET A ROOM" I shout as I walk past them.

Izuku's POV

My face got even more red at that comment. And I broke the gaze.

"I-I m glad y-your ok. I w-wouldn't want you t-t-to get h-hurt." I say looking down.

She looked at me again and puts her hands over her face trying to hide her blush. She accidentally activated her quirk and started floating. Wait is she blushing? Or is it the lighting..... it's probably the lighting. There is no she could even THINK about liking me. And besides that she is way out of my league.

She was floating higher then ever. When she realized she was floating she released not thinking about what will happen when she hit the ground.

Ochako's POV

Huh where is the ground. WAIT! I'm floating! Oh shit. Well all I can do is release. Without thinking I release. I start falling but I don't stop nor hit the ground. Shit I was way to high up wasn't I. I close my eyes and wait for broken bones. Then I feel a warm arm at my lower back and a hand supporting my head. I slowly open my eyes and I am greeted with a worried looking Deku. He let's go of my back making me stand up. Without thinking I hug him, I press my body against his. And lean my head against his chest. I can hear his heartbeat, and his body heat is making mine rise. He places his arms around me. I started questioning if he has two quirks like Todoroki, one being his power up quirk that no one knows anything about and the other one hugging or maybe giving people a warm feeling inside or..... I stopped thinking and just enjoyed this amazing moment. We stood there for what felt like eternity, but I didn't mind. I have never enjoyed an embrace as much as this. I feel his head move down so that it's leaning against mine. His hair lightly touching my ear. This wast the most calm I have ever been.


"Shhhh" I silence him.

"T-This is probably the o-only good opportunity t-to tell you t-that........ I-I-I lik-ke -y-you! A-and not just as a-a friend. Uraraka I-I l-l-love you" He said.

My head jolts up. I don't think and press my lips against his. His body tenses up but after a bit he relaxes and starts kissing back. My hands get lost in his hair. Slowly rubbing circles on his scalp. His lips feel so good against mine and his body wrapping around me is the best feeling I have ever had. He pulled away still holding me and looks at me with a face full of surprise and blush.

"I-I u-u-u-uh" (AN: Izuku.exe stopped working)

"Deku I don't like you" I say with pain in my heart.

"B-b-but t-then why t-t-the k-k-k-k-k-k-kiss?" He responded looking genuinely confused.

"Isn't it obvious? I love you!" I said pressing my lips against his. When doing that I hear some squeals coming from down the hall. I pull away and Deku let's go of me.

"Oh come on guys can't you just leave me alone for one minute!!" I say half angry half joking already knowing who is gonna be at the end of the hallway.

"But you two are so cuteeeeee!" Mina said coming from behind the corner.

"Yeah, it's about time you got together." A voice said from behind me.

I turn around to see no one there.

"Toru is that you?" I ask.

"Maybe" she said.

I let out a sigh and Toru put on her gloves.

"OMG it was so cute seeing everything from so close" She said throwing her hands in the air.

While this was going on Deku was just standing there. I looked at him and saw his eyes light up.

"Well we are gonna go shopping now, see ya" he said with confidence in his voice.

He wrapped his arm around me and leads me to the stairway. The giggles of the two girl are becoming less loud the farther we walk. I look up at him and he smiles down at me. Planting a kiss on my forehead.

That fall turned out way better than I expected.

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