My first tatoo

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In this univesre the first words that your soulmate says to you will get tattooed on your wrist. Just so ya know!

Ochako's POV
I wake up in the morning looking and feeling like a mess. I roll of bed and slowly get up. I look in the mirror and jump at my appearance, "I look horrible" I say. Not to many volume comes out of my throat. I just woke up and am not used to talking yet.

After doing my hair I decide to get some coffee at Starbucks. I live very close to one so it's about walking distance. When I walk out of the apartment building that I live in I can't help but notice how hot it is. I immediately go back inside and put on something a little cooler.

I grab some black high waist shorts and a pink top. I dress myself and tuck the bottom of my shirt in my shorts. I go outside again and close the door behind me.

The cooler outfit helps a little more but it doesn't help that much, it's so hot outside, you could cook an egg on the street. "Maybe I should go for something cooler than coffee" I say out loud earning the attention from some people around me.

After about 5 minutes of walking I decide to sit down on a bench. "Man, walking in this temperature is making me tired more quickly." I say.

"It sure is pretty hot outside." I hear a voice next to me say.

I turn to see a boy with messy green hair staring off in the distance. He turns to me.

"Hi I am Izuku Midoryia" the boy says.

"Ochako Uraraka" I say back

I take a good look at Izuku's face and see that he has freckles and forest green eyes. "Cute" I say just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Huh?" He says.

"O-oh n-nothing, I-I said true. T-that's all" I say trying to hide my blush. I try my best but he notices.

"Uraraka a-are you blushing?" He asks me.

'Oh god what do I do now! Do I tell the truth or lie, if I lie wat am I gonna say. Maybe that I got sunburned? NO that's stupid. I look over to him. Omgheisthecutestboyihaveeverseen!!!!! AndMidoriyaissuchacutename!eventhoughiwouldlovetocallhimIzuku..... Wait what are you thinking Ochako get urself together!Pleasedontmessupochakopleasedontmessup!

"Y-Yeah and w-what about it" I say. What did I just say?! That's the worst awnser EVER!

I look down and calmly say "I-I'm sorry."

I feel a hand on my back, it feels warm and welcoming. "H-hey no problem, c-check y-y-your wr-wrist."

I look at my wrist and see the words 'It sure is pretty hot outside' tattooed on my wrist. "These are the first words that I said to you...... Ochako" He softly says.

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