Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Walking back into the clubhouse, we walk to the bar to get drinks and Bishop asks "What did Galindo want to talk to you about?" I smirk and say "He was asking me out to dinner. I told him that his wife already walked in on my and EZ once today and that I didn't think me having dinner with him would sit right with her and that I am with EZ and don't cheat." I tell them and they all start laughing. "She really walked in on you two?" Gilly asks. "Yeah. Wanted to talk to him about them being together. But I tell you, she comes near him again with that shit, I don't care who she is, I will bounce her off the fucking floor." I tell them and EZ pulls me closer. "Wanna head home?" he whispers. "Nope. Camper." I whisper back. "Bishop, you need me?" he asks. Bishop shakes his head and says "Nope. Go on." and shoos us away.

We walk out to the camper and as soon as we are in the door, he pulls me to him and crashes his lips to mine. Kissing down my neck, I start pulling at his shirt and pull it over his head. I pull back from him and start pulling my shirt over my head as he starts taking off his clothes until we are both completely naked. He picks me up and puts me on the table before entering me. Thrusting in and out I start to moan into the kiss and before I can break the kiss to beg him to fuck me harder, he starts thrusting in and out hard and fast and I lose myself to him. I push him away and get off the table before turning around and leaning over the table. He enters me from behind and slams into me over and over causing me to find release after release before he finds his inside me. When he pulls out, he turns me around and kisses me softly before saying "Let's head home." I nod and we start to redress and head to his bike.

Pulling up at my house, we see a car sitting in the driveway. Getting off the bike, we see Emily sitting on my porch. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I came to talk to EZ." she says. "Whatever you need to say can be said in front of my Old Lady." he tells her and she glares at me. "Well, you need to keep your Old Lady away from my husband." she tells him. "Hold up. First of all, if your problem is with me? Bring it to me. Second, I didn't come near your husband. He asked to talk to me. He asked me out to dinner and you were right there when I turned him down." I tell her. "But would you have turned him down if I weren't there? If EZ wasn't there?" She asks. "I still would have said no. I love EZ and I'm with EZ. I don't want your husband. But you? I know you still want my man. But that shit won't happen. He's mine and you would be wise to keep your hands to yourself and stay away from him. There's nothing else you two need to say to each other." I tell her. "That a threat?" she asks. "No sweetheart. That's a warning. If I was going to threaten you, I'd have my gun to your head. Now, go home Emily. You show up at my home again? I will go to Miguel and he will find out about the conversations you've been trying to have with my Old Man. I don't play this petty high school bull shit." I tell her and she glares at me. She looks at EZ and he says "You need to leave unless you want to actually watch me fuck her this time." I smirk as he puts his arms around my waist and starts nipping at my neck, causing me to giggle. I turn to face him and he picks me up, my legs going around his waist as he carries me to the front door. He carries me inside, leaving her there and we don't even hear her leave as he carries me to the bed to fuck me senseless again.

Waking up the next morning, we get up and head to the clubhouse. Walking outside, I see all four tires on my car are flat. "Fucking cunt." I say and he looks at me shocked. "What?" I ask. "Never heard you say that one." he starts laughing. "Come on. I'd rather you ride with me anyway." he says and I just shake my head. Walking into the clubhouse, my dad asks "Where's your car?" I look at him and say "Fucking bitch slashed my tires last night." He looks at me confused and EZ says "Emily Galindo." Dad looks at me confused. "She dated EZ in high school and I guess thinks she can have Miguel and EZ too. She's pissed because he's ignoring her and with me and she can't do anything to stop it." I tell them. "She was at Manda's house last night when we got there, looking for me. Telling me to keep Manda away from Miguel. But my Old Lady put her in her place before I carried her in the house, forgetting about her standing in the driveway." he says and my dad starts laughing. "I need to talk to Miguel. I'm not putting up with her petty bull shit." I tell them and see Bishop walk away with his phone to his ear. Walking back a few minutes later he says "Warehouse, half an hour." I nod and say "Thanks."

Half an hour later, we are standing at the warehouse and Emily is standing behind Miguel. "Bishop said you wanted to have a word with me. Everything okay?" he asks. "Not really. You remember the other day when I told you that Emily had walked in on me and EZ?" I ask and he nods. "Well, when we got to my house last night, she was there waiting on us. Telling EZ to keep me away from you. I told her that I was with EZ and, no disrespect, but I am not interested in getting involved with anyone but EZ. But she keeps trying to talk to him about them being together and he's told her repeatedly, in front of me that he's not interested and that he's with me. But last night, after he turned her down, again, I told her that if she came near him again that I would come to you about her attempted conversation topics with him and when we went inside, she slashed the tires on my car." I tell him. He looks back at her and she looks mortified. He looks back at me and says "I will pay for the tires." he says. "No need. I have a friend that owes me a favor." I tell him and he nods. "I assure you, she won't be bothering either of you anymore. She was giving me the impression that EZ was coming on to her." he tells me. "I haven't. Anytime I've seen her, Manda has been with me." he tells Miguel. "Well, my apologies to you both." he says and we nod. He looks at Bishop and says "I hope this doesn't hinder our business relationship." Miguel says and Bishop looks at me and I nod my head and he says "We're good as long as the Princess is good." I nod my head again when Miguel looks at me. "Well, good. I'll have a conversation with my wife and I assure you she will no longer be bothering your Princess or her Old Man." he says and we all head our separate ways.

Heading back to the clubhouse, we walk in and head to the bar. I take a shot of Jack and tell the sweetbutt to keep them coming. "You okay?" EZ whispers in my ear. I turn my head and kiss him softly and say "Yeah baby. Just need to get my head in check a minute." He turns me to face him and pulls me to him. Crashing his lips with mine, when we separate, we are both breathless and he whispers against my lips "I love you mi reina." I smile and say "Show me mi rey." He picks me up and carries me to one of the dorm rooms and locks the door behind us where we shed clothes and he makes love to me all night long.

The next morning, we head to the bar in search for coffee. I see my dad sitting there and take the seat next to him. "Hey Princess." he says. "Hey daddy." I say before kissing his cheek. He looks at my neck and sees the love bites EZ left and then looks at him and sees the ones I left and says "You two keep this up, you're gonna get knocked up." I look at him shocked and he asks "What?" I run back to my dorm and grab my purse and start counting the days. "Shit." I whisper. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Huh?" I ask when I see my dad standing there. "I'm late. Like late late." I say. "Head to the doctor. I'll keep him busy." He tells me. I kiss his cheek and say "Te amo Papi." He says "Love you Mija." before I run out the door. "Where's she headed?" EZ asks. "Gotta run an errand for me." he says and EZ looks at him. "Head to work prospect." my dad says and EZ does what he's told.

I pull up at the doctor and head inside. The doctor does the bloodwork and comes in to tell me that I am indeed pregnant. "Let's do an ultrasound and see how far along you are." she tells me and I nod. She pulls the ultrasound machine over and puts the gel on my stomach. Moving it around, we see the baby on the screen and she moves it around more and I see concern on her face. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Baby is measuring eight weeks. Let me get my partner in here to check something." she says and walks out of the room. A few minutes later another doctor comes in with her and he sits down and moves the wand around and I see the baby on the screen again. He moves the wand around again and again and looks at me with sad eyes and says "I'm sorry Manda. There's no heartbeat." I look at him shocked as tears fill my eyes. "I know this is heartbreaking but we have to do the procedure to remove the baby as soon as possible. You need to call someone to come and drive you home after." he tells me and I nod. "I'll leave you alone to make the calls you need and we'll be back in about thirty minutes to prep you for the procedure." he tells me and again I just nod. He leaves the room and I pick up my phone and call my dad. "Papi." I say as the tears finally fall. "What's wrong Mija." he asks concerned. "I need you and EZ here. I lost the baby." I tell him. He tells me he'll get him and be right here.

Twenty minutes later, they walk in the door. "Baby?" EZ asks confused. "EZ I'm sorry." I sob. "What's wrong?" He asks. "They have to do a procedure on me. I was late and came to the doctor and they couldn't find a heartbeat. I'm so sorry." I say sobbing and he looks at me shocked before wrapping his arms around me and holding me. "It's okay baby. I'm here. It's okay." He comforts me as we both cry. A few minutes later, the nurse comes in the get me. "I'll be here when you get out baby. I love you so fucking much." He says. As soon as I'm out of the room, he breaks down with just my father to comfort him.

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