getting a new home

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Khaleesi Batson, sister of Billy Batson is a nice, shy 15 year old girl. Her and her brother have been running from foster home to foster home. Both looking for someone who never cared to look for them. Well that's what Khaleesi thought, but she knew how much this ment to her brother so she went with it.

All she wanted was a place to call home, a place where she'd finally be happy, a place with her brother. But she even knew if this keep going on she could be taken away from him. But she wouldn't dare hurt her brother.

Khaleesi POV.
'Ok I called the cops' Billy said walking out from the shop.

"Do you think that this will go ok" I said looking at Billy as I stand awkwardly on the side walk, infront of bishop's pawn shop.

"Yes Khal, it will. I fell it, she's here" Billy said looking down at the ground.

I could her the sirens going off from a far. I was getting nervous at this point, Billy looked up as the pulled up, he got his role ready and with a hope in his step went up to the cop car.

"Holy molly, the boys in blue, sure glad to see you, I called as soon as I say" Billy said looking all serious. "Their in there" Billy side pointing right behind me.

"You stay here" the bigger Male cope said walking past my brother, the female cop just following behind.

I looked at my brother to see him looking lile hes won.

"Billy, are you fully sure, remember what-" I was saying but got cut off.

"Khal, yes"he said following the cops.

I could hear the cops calling to whoever was in there.

"Their back there" Billy said pointing into the store. He looked back at me and put his thumbs up.

I opened the care door as quickly as I could and got into the car. I opened there computer and searched up ' Rachel M. Batson. I found what I was looking for but I needed Billy's book.

Billy came running to the car telling me to hurry. I looked up to see that he'd looked the cops in the store. I could hear them pleading to be let out. I was handed the book.

"Hurry!!" Billy said through the window.

"Ok, ok, give me a sec!" I said throwing my hands around

I wrote in the book '21 Hoffman street.
As I was writing Billy grabbed the walkie talkie.
"Dispatch cancel that request, some kids stole our walkie talkie" Billy said with a horrible deep voice.

"Walkie talkies, how old are you" we both hear through the device. Looking at each other, we knew we had to go. Billy and I both acted fast, I throw myself out the car door, slamming it on the way out. Billy stood staring at the cops lunch.

"No no no, that's my lunch kid" the Male cop yelled out. Bit of course that didn't stop my brother from grabbing it. We both looked at each other and ran.
Once we got far enough we slowed down to slow but fast walk.

"Ok, so theres only one burger and fries, so well have to share" Billy said handing my the burger as he took the fries.

"Ok, I'll start on this you that" I said motioning to his fries. "So you know where were goimg right" I asked taking a big bite out of my stole burger.

"Yes, it's not a far walk" he said looking at me with excitement.

"Billy what I'd it's not her?" I said walking next to him.

The weather was a bit chilly at this time so I had to do up my jacket

The weather was a bit chilly at this time so I had to do up my jacket

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