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Khaleesi POV

Both Freddy and I woke up around 10 and snuck out to meet this so called brother of mine.

We were walking behind these buildings to an ally way. We see the older guy running up to us.

"Oh oh, thank God" the stranger said running up to us.

"Hey, stop right there, how do I know your not a supervillain using telepathic abilities to make me believe that your Billy huh?" Freddy said walking up to him, I stood behind Freddy. "All I have to do is press dial on this thing" freddy said holding up his phone to show that 911 was on the screen ready to be called.

"No, no I have proof, I have proof. Here. Look I lied here, I took your built" he said holding up a sip lock bag. I walked closer to see the built fall into the sewer drain.

"No, no!" Both Billy and Freddy yelled

"Agh stupid adult hands but you guys saw it. You saw it right?" The stranger said looking at me.

"Look guys it's me, ok freddy I know we're not really close friends or anything but your the only person that knows anything about this Crusader stuff" he said to freddy. "And Khal, please it's your brother"

"It's Batman" both freddy and I said looking at each other. We both locked eyes and smiled. I knew it was Billy now, I could just tell that's it my brother.

"What?" Older Billy said.

"Eh forget it" freddy said looking at the glowing lightning bolt.

"Can, can I touch it" I said pointing to his chest.

"Oh yeah" Billy said moving closer to me.

I brought my hand up to the lightning bolt and electricity shot to my finger tips. It felt so cool but wierd. I started to freak out.

"Omg freddy feel this" I said spinning to Freddy, and grabbing his hand to bring it to Billy's chest. Freddy's checks turned pink as I grabbed ahold of his hand but I could care less at the time to ask why.

Freddy started to laugh really loud and cutely. His face lit up all big and bright.

"Omg!" He screamed out.

"It's crazy right!" Older Billy said.

"Wait?!" I said looking to freddy making freddy turn his head towards me,freddy clued into what I was thinking.

"What are your superpowers?" Both freddy and I said with excitement.

"Guys superpowers, I don't even know how to pee in this thing" older Billy said looking down words.

"Ok can you fly?" Freddy said taking ahold of my hand,not realizing he had done it and continued to look at Billy. I had noticed though and was a blushing mess.

Billy looked unsure of himself

"Guys well have to try it out, that face says it all." I said gesturing Billy's face expressions. Freddy chucked beside me.  "Go over there Billy and well test it" I said pointing to the car by the building. Freddy let go of my hand to grab his phone.

Billy crouched down ready to do something. Both freddy and I had our phones out to record.

"How do I do this" he said standing straight again.

"Just um, just superman it, pew" freddy said throwing his hand up into the air.

"Pew" Billy said sadly.

It looked sad but funny watching him looking confused.

"Obviously you have to jump dummy" I said hitting my head with my hand.

"How was that even obvious!?" He said throwin fb his hands around.

"Try to believe that you can fly, ok I read this deep dive into perives studies in superpowers. And six to ten believe the that belief is key" Freddy explains.

"Ok belief, belief" he mumbles. "Ok I believe that I can fly, i believe that i can fly, I believe I can fly" he says over and over and over trying to convince himself. I was chuckling at his reactions. Billy saw this and glared at me.

He starts to run up a car and jumps up but lands on his face.

"Omg Billy! Are you ok?" I yelled running up to him.

"I'm ok!"he said pulling himself up. He gives a me a soft chuckle.

I move back to standing next to freddy. He looks so happy, I've only knows him for a day and a half and I can already tell that he's never been this happy before. He looks like hes a child in a candy store.

"Did you believe?" Freddy says asking my bro. My brother made a face of annoyance. "Yeah" he says in a squeaky voice.

I hit freddy's arm to get his attention. "Do you want to try invisibility?" I says clapping my hands together.

Billy's POV

"Yeah" I said annoyingly to freddy.

Khal hit freddy to get his attention.

"Do you want to try invisibility" she says smiling real big as she claps her hands together. I cought freddy staring at her with a big smile on his face. I could read him like and open book. You could see that his eyes shined when he was staring at my sister. I was mad but happy, I wanted to be the only guy in my sisters life, I've been there since day one, I still want to be her knight in shining armor. But I can see that she would be happy with Freddy and freddy seems happy with with my sister. Khaleesi has never been this happy before, her eyes light up like Stars in the sky.

"How do I do that?I ask my sister.

Sorry for the late update! I've been to busy with school. Sorry for the bad grammar and stuff. Hope you like

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