don't look at her that way

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Freddy's POV

Khaleesi quickly ran out of the room to get ready for bed.

"Dude, don't look at her that way, you know what, stay away from my sister" Billy said walking by me.

I understand that he's protective but like to say stay away is harsh.

"What? Why?" I questioned following him to our bunk bed.

"WHaT, WhY!" He said mocking me.

"Just don't, I don't need to see my sister hurt anymore then she already is" he said finally looking at me.

"Who said I'd hurt her, all I wanted to do was make friends" I said looking at him.

"Right, so the fact that you keep stealing glances at her and blushing when she does anything that would be remotely cute to anyone, is you just wanting to be friends" Billy said staring madly at me.

"Dude I'm sorry, but I was only trying to have a conversation with her" I said grabbing my clothing to go get changed.

"She's been hurt to many time so please just don't get involved with her" Billy said looking at me.

"Ok so I'm confused, I wasnt saying I wanted to get involved with her, I wanted to make another friend" was all I said leaving the room.

I did like her, I don't know what way I liked her but I knew I needed her, i walked to the bathroom to find the door opening before I could knock, it was Khaleesi, her hair was wet telling me she had a shower.

"Sorry" she said leaving the bathroom. I didn't notice what she was wearing until she walked by me

My mouth dropped and my eyes went big 'holy cow, she's hot' I thought, I shock my head and entered the bathroom

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My mouth dropped and my eyes went big 'holy cow, she's hot' I thought, I shock my head and entered the bathroom.

Khaleesi POV
I left the bathroom saying sorry to freedy on the way out. I went straight to say goodnight to my brother.

"Billy!" I softly yelled to him.

"Yes, khal?" Billy said laying on the top bunk already.

"Goodnignt" I said smiling up to him.

"Goodnignt Khaleesi" he said leaning over the bed to kiss my forehead.

"Have a good sleep" he said getting comfortable.

"You to"i said leaving to go to my room but I again ran into Freddy.

"Oh um, goodnight, have a good sleep"i said getting nervous around him.

"Yes, have a goodnight Khaleesi, sleep well don't let the bug beds bite" he said making me giggle at the old term used for little kids.

He smiled at me with a blush on his adorable face, he nodded and left to his room.

I continued my way to my shared room and went to sleep.

What your wearing

***What your wearing

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