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Once we got to the front door I started to take my jacket off. The door opened with a creak. Both my brother and I walked in awkwardly,not knowing what to do.

"Hello, we're home" rosa said laying her things down, yelling up in the air. The house looked cozy and warm. Like it was a real home. I held my jacket in hand as I grabbed a hold of Billy's hand, he looked my way and gave me a reassuring nod.

I heard a little boys voice yelling at something, which made me look in the direction of what I'd assume to be the living room.

"So much for the welcome party" victor said lining into the room to see more.

"Yeah that thing growing out of the couch would be Eugene" rosa said looking back at me.

"Ok, Eugene" I said trying to make a mental note.

Out of nowhere a little girl comes running out.
"Is that them!! Omg Billy, Khaleesi!" She squealed running our direction.

"Slow down slow down" was all that was said for victor before we both were being hugged.

"Welcome home" she said burying her face into my stomach.

"And that is Darla" rosa said looking at Billy and I smiling.
"I'm darla"she said looking up at Billy.

"Big hugger" victor said.

" I can tell" was all Billy could say.

"Die, die, die" we heard eugene yell.

"He doesn't mean that it's a game"darla said backing up cutely.

"Hey no games after dark, remember?" Victor said taking off Eugene's headset.

"Wow, when did it get dark" he said looking bewildered.

I was snapped back to draal as she was dragging my brother and I to show us a poster she made.

"Oh no, sorry, Padro must of been working out" darla said moving the wights from her art work. Rosa was running to help but it was to late because darla pulled a piece off, she was sad to say the least.

"Here" she said slowing and sadly handing the pice to me.

"Yeah and that's actually why your math department is so uniquely suited for me: a beautiful girl said walking into the dining room.
'Wow she's beautiful' I think to myself.

"I can't, I can't even with Eugene right now, hi I'm sorry, I'm Mary, collage interview" she said looking at us with a big smile.

"I'm Billy" was all that could be said.

"What am I most excited about, oh what a great question I was hoping you'd ask" she said looking nervous. She looked at victor and mouth 'what am I most excited about'

" mention your a foster kid, colleges eat that up" victor said to her.

"What I'm most excited about is the campus experience s a foster child I'm a big believer in finding family and friends in the most unlikely of places" Mary said leaving the room, still with a bright smile on her face.

Eugene, darla, and Mary. Ok so far so good. I look at my brother to see what hes doing and he's just like me standing there quietly.

"I'm going to miss that girl so much" rosa said bouncing on her heels of her feet.

"Its Caltech, it's a very prestige school" rosa said taking my shoulder in her hand to lead me in a different direction.

"Also all the way in California" victor said looking down.

The Other Batson / Shazam Where stories live. Discover now