Hey Jude

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AN: Over the years, readers have always expressed frustration about why Jude wouldn't just sit L and Grace down and tell them about themselves. So, here's what might have happened if he did. Enjoy!

Chapter 2 - Hey Jude

Jude POV

8th of July 2005

Dear Jude,

It was so good hearing from you. I came back from the soup kitchen and was pleased to see your letter. Your penmanship is improving as well. Truly God's work! Your classmates seem like my mates from childhood, mischievous and funny. I will try to come to Wammy's House before the holidays as promised. You can introduce me around! That is, if you don't mind a cleric tagging along.

I understand your struggles with fitting in. That is truly a hard thing to do for anyone, but with your gift it can be even more difficult. It's disappointing to see people for who they really are and not who they pretend to be but I still encourage you to embrace your gift. God intended for you to do good. I've seen it and believe it fervently.

You write about how the teachers have been asking too many questions and you don't know why. I would suspect that they are trying to get to know you better. It does my heart good to see you in such a safe and welcoming home.

You asked what Mr. Wammy and I talked about the day you left for Winchester. Well, he was very inquisitive about your ability to be sure, but he also wanted to know the good things about you. I told him you were excellent at sums and very helpful to me, especially when you would accompany me to the shelters. I know it was hard for you to "see" the poor souls' hardships and pain, but you didn't shirk. I finally told your kind benefactor that I am proud of you, Jude. And I always will be.

I think L seems like an amusing chap too, but remember, matters of the heart are never black and white. I think the best thing for you to do is let things move on their own course. You could of course tell your teacher, Grace, his feelings, but it wouldn't be the same as when he tells her himself. You'll see this when you develop feelings for someone, I promise you. It will mean all the more without an interpreter.

Here at the abbey, we are already preparing for our autumn clothing drive. Father Harry is working with me to gather coats and blankets for everyone that we serve. Please feel free to let Mr. Wammy know of our cause. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly, I want you to know that you are daily in my prayers, my boy. Study hard and open your heart and the world will be a marvelous place.

God bless you,

Father Nigel Wesley

I folded the letter and put it back in my pocket, where it was usually kept. Then I squeezed my eyes shut and took several deep breaths. This wasn't going to be easy. It might even be the hardest thing I ever had to do. But Father Wes always said that's how we learn, when we do hard things. When we face our fears and put ourselves out in the open and deal with the consequences. I muttered a quick prayer under my breath, opened the door and stepped inside. So here goes nothing.

"Right then..." I stood in front of my teacher and my mentor in the downstairs classroom, the questions in their eyes of course easy for me to read. "Glad we're all here."

My teacher, Grace, was hesitant. Her thoughts were "Lord, what is Jude playing at now?... Is he deciding he wants to train as a detective after all? .... I can't believe L said that...The little ones need to get ready for dinner...Who does he bloody think he is telling me how to handle my own investigation?...How long is this going to take?" She always had a very vocal and talkative mind; it could make me dizzy sometimes with how quickly her thoughts would shoot all over the place like a comet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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