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Toady was now Friday night, I hadn't seen Brad since Wednesday as yesterday he was out with his friends.

It was nice to have some time alone with Layla before my parents picked her up and took her for the weekend.

Myself and Brad still don't really have plans on what we're going to do over the weekend, all I do know is that I'm going to stay over at his.

However I needed to go out shopping with Layla as she was growing out of her clothes.

We walked to the Bullring seeing as it was around a 20 minute walk, also to pass some time and get out of the flat.

Once we got there I went straight to the shops where I could find clothes for her. 

I picked up a few outfits, baby grows and other bits and pieces for her.

As we were walking past River Island I decided to go in and have a nosey. I seen stuff for myself and of course Layla as their baby clothes were my favourite.

We into a few other shops, mostly just browsing before I decided it was time to make our way home.

The next thing I knew Brad was in front of me.

'Hey.' He grinned as he kissed me. 'Hello.' He cooed down at Layla who lay staring at him.

'What are ya up to?' I asked as we moved closer to the wall, making sure to not get in the way of other shoppers.

'I came out to get a few bits and pieces for the weekend. Also I needed new clothes.' He told me as I nodded. 'And you?'

'Lays needed new clothes and decided it would get us out of the apartment for the day.' I informed him as he nodded.

'Wanna grab a Costa?' He asked as I nodded and we walked towards Costa.

'Go and take a seat babe.' He said as he kissed my forehead. 'What do you want? Do you want a bit to eat as well?'

'Can you get me a hot chocolate and a muffin or something? Here take my card.' I told him as I tried to hand him my card.

'No, it's on me.' He said as he stepped back and held his arms up.

'Brad.' I groaned. 'Fine then I'm paying for everything this weekend.' I warned.

'No you aren't.' He smirked as he walked up to order.

I checked the time and seen that Layla would be due her bottle soon. I lifted the baby bag from her pram and got her bottle out.

Brad came back and sat down with our drinks and food.

'I just need to go and get them to warm this up.' I said to him as I stood up.

Once the worker had heated the bottle up and gave me it back, I thanked her and went back to the table.

Brad had Layla on his knee as he wiped tears that were falling from her face.

'I think someone's hungry.' He chuckled as I returned.

'Aw baba, come here.' I said as I lifted her from him and sat facing him.

Before I fed her I grabbed my bag and got my glasses out of their case before putting them on as I sensed a headache coming.

'You look cute with your glasses on.' Brad said as he took a drink from his coffee as I began to fed Layla.

'And so do you.' I grinned as I looked at him, him also wearing his glasses.

Within a few minutes Layla had drank her bottle seeing as she didn't get a full one at this time.

'Here, you drink your hot chocolate.' Brad said as he stood up to take Layla from me.

'Thank you.' I smiled at him as he began talking to Layla.

'Aren't you a gorgeous girl.' He said as she tried to talk back to him. 'Yes you are.' He cooed as she giggled at him.

'She really likes you.' I said as I drank from my cup. I watched as he furrowed his eyebrows at me. 'The only other people she acts like that with are my parents, sometimes my sister.'

This caused a smile to form on his face. 'Well I really like her too.' He said as he blew a kiss on her cheek causing she to let out another cackle.

'So what time suits for tonight?' He asked after a few minutes silence.

'Well my mum and dad are collecting Layla at around seven.' I told him as he nodded.

'What do you fancy doing tonight?' He asked.

'We should go out for a few drinks then chill tomorrow night?' I asked as nodded.

'That sounds amaze.' He smiled softly.

'Can we go to your bar? It's so homely, I love it.' I told him honestly.

He chuckled, 'Of course, anywhere you want.'

My parents had just called round to collect Layla, she was more than happy to see her grandparents and left happily, smiling away with them.

I text Brad to let him know I'd be over shortly. I'd packed a little overnight bag so that I wouldn't have to run over to my apartment when we got home so I had everything I needed with me.

I'd changed into dressy casual clothes to go to the bar. My outfit consisted of black ripped jeans and a red bodysuit with black heels. I grabbed my black leather jacket also to add in case I got cold.

Brad's POV

A knock sounded through my apartment as I rushed to answer. I had my jeans on along with my shirt that I hadn't buttoned yet.

I opened to door to reveal Ellie stood there. She looked amazing.

'Hello.' I grinned as I pulled her into my arms.

Her scent filled my nostrils. I loved it. She smelt fresh, her scent made me feel comfort. It was unusual for someone to have this effect on me, however I grew to love it.

'I've miss you.' I whispered to her as I moved to let her in, her still in my arms.

'You seen me earlier.' She chuckled as she looked up at me, rolling her eyes.

'I know.' I shrugged as she smiled at me. 'I'm just going to finish getting ready, make yourself comfortable.' I said as I made my way towards the bathroom.

I buttoned my shirt before styling my hair and putting on aftershave.

I went to my room to grab my belt along with my socks and shoes. Once I had them on I went to the living room to see Ellie, sat on the sofa waiting to leave.

'Let's go beautiful.' I said as I took her hand and she stood up from the sofa.

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