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Rann's pov

I am sitting in the waiting room for like 15 mins and people here are acting in a soo formal way but whenever someone working here say  "Mr.Sharma" the employees face are hit with fear. I wonder whether he is a very hot-tempered person. But THAT name would never cause me fear but only rage. The guy who made me the bad girl I am now. Finally after another 5 mins I was called in the room.
I tried my best to be very formal.

I knocked on the door and heard a very familiar "come in". I wasn't nervous because there are million fishes (jobs) in the sea right?.
I turned the door knob to be met with the face I tried to avoid my whole life. There sat Abhishek Sharma in his chair like a king. His coat was hung in the chair he sat. He was in this white shirt with one button not done. I was very shocked and my eyes started to well up, But it was soon filled with rage.

Abhishek's pov

The door opened to revealed the girl who's heart was broken by me, the girl I fell in love with and still in love with, the girl who lost her virginity to me because of a stupid bet........

The first time in a while I was nervous her face features showed how sad she was, but soon her face features hardened. She walked closer to the desk. "Rann" the words escaped my mouth. "Can I take a seat?" she asked. They way she asked me was like I meant nothing to her, It was like I was just her boss. I stood up from my seat and went near her and held her hand in mine and said "please listen to me Rann". She quickly pushed my hand off of hers and said "I didn't know you own a company, sorry I shouldn't have come here" she said walking towards the door. I quickly grabbed her wrist pulled her close to me and felt a sharp pain in my left cheek. I let go of her hand said "sorry rann". She was about to walk out before I said "atleast attend this interview". I definitely knew she wouldn't but I was totally wrong.

Rann's pov

I just wanted to stay there with him forever, But I kept telling myself don't be a vulnerable piece of shit rannn!! You are the bad girl! Don't let him see through you! Remember what he did to you!. I took a deep breath and walked towards the door until his words hit me hard as a brick. "atleast attend this interview" he said sounded as if he was pleading and desperate. Desperate that word hit me hard what if he is playing me again. Though there are a alot of jobs outside this one is a very reputed one and it pays very well. I can't keep bothering Shreya to pay the rent, she is been paying for me for 3months after I lost my job last time.

As he was literally begging me to stay the bad girl in me wanted him to suffer and wanted him to regret every moment he hired me.

I turned around and smirked walking towards the chair. I sat on the chair with my legs crossed the smirk still playing in my face while he still stood.
I know even if spill paint in his face embarrassed him in front of his whole office he would still hire me. He was very confused at the beginning but sighed in relief at sat on his chair.

I took my phone out of my bag and started texting the one and only dork Shreya. Abhay was going through my papers and noticed me in the phone "Rann you shouldn't do that in a interview" he said with his eyebrows raised I just rolled my eyes and said "that's Ms. Gupta for you Mr. Sharma".
He sighed and looked back at my papers and asking basic interview questions and me barely answering or making eye contact. He was getting sooo angry I could easily feel it. I stand up walk towards the door when he says "where are you going? The interview isn't over yet". I turn around and say "I don't care". All of a sudden he stood up from his chair slowly walked towards me. He is being only inches away from me. I was hit the wall in the process of going back his body was now pressed against mine. He leaned more close. I tried keep my stern face. He suddenly whispered in my ear "Is my princess trying to make me angry". I could hear his smirk laced in his voice. He whispered again with a more husky and sexy voice "we both know that you are always mine and soon you will love me". His words made me shiver. But me being the bad girl, with a smirk I said "make me". He looked into my eyes with a smirk and slowly leaning in, I was about to lean in when suddenly his soft plumpy lips were planted in my right cheek. With that he went back and sat in his chair looking at my papers as if nothing ever happened. I quickly run out of the office and run back home.

Some old wounds are opened


Hope you like the story I will update more soon.

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