CH - 4

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Rann's pov

I walk into Abhay's office knowing he would be fuming about my dress. My dress was still formal so no one can question me. My outfit was a normal sleeveless shirt but my pencil skirt was extremely low. My breast and butt were very huge in it as it was very tight. It showed a large amount of my cleavage.

I knocked on the door and went inside to see Abhay in desk going through some papers. As soon as I went in his eyes darted to me then to my cleavage. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose and said "You should cover up". Me being me with attitude I said "that's my wish". I started walking towards my desk swaying my hips even more. I felt his eyes on me. He is sooo frustrated, good my plan is working. Before sitting on my desk, I ACCIDENTALLY dropped my pen and bent down slowly picking it up. I catch Abhay staring, with sass I said "take a picture it will last long". He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Looks like someone is fuming.

He calls me to his desk and gave me some paperwork. It was tons, "Abhay it's alot!" I groaned. He looked at me with his sexy- I mean stupid smirk and said "that's Mr.Sharma for you Ms.Gupta and that's why you are hired for". I rolled my eyes at him went back to work.

It is 6pm and I'm still doing the paperwork. Suddenly I have this doubt about the order I have to arrange the papers in, so I walk to Abhay's deak. I go near him bend down, exposing my cleavage more to him. My neck to his side was exposed as put my hair in the other side. "Mr.Sharma-" Before I can speak I'm interrupted with his hot breath hitting my neck. His breath was hot but still it sent me shivers. "You still use the same branded perfume I gifted you don't you?" He said inhaling. I quickly stood up walking towards my desk not before cursing him "fucking pervert". "What was that?!" He asked I turned around faked a smile and said "nothing". He stood up, walked towards me saying "I'm sure it wasn't nothing Ms.Gupta". I just stared at him not knowing what to do. He came near me, he was so close to touching my shoulder with his chin but he didn't "Hmm..... you've been pretty naughty ok what was the doubt?"
" paper-" I gasped when I felt his nose graze my neck and he starts sucking it. I couldn't help but moan. I shouldn't let him win but I give in. He kisses my jawline and turns the chair around so now I'm facing him. He started kissing my collar bones leaving hickeys. In between his kisses he says " naughty.....again?". I was not able to talk so I just shook my head. "Use your words baby girl" he said. "No" I managed to say. He hummed in response and continued his....... something. "I know you love how daddy makes you feel" he said and I froze with my eyes wide.

I quickly stood gently pushing him away saying "I need to use the restroom". I rush to the bathroom attached to our office. Only Abhay and his PA are allowed to use it. Weird right? I go inside and stare at myself and the marks he gave me. He was true I loved the way he made me. But I'm not gonna show it! I shouldn't let him win. I gain confidence and attitude.

I walk outside to see him in the balcony. I go near him and find him smoking. I didn't see it but I know the smell because I do smoke. He didn't face me. "Mr.Sharma?" I asked. "You can go home now Rann" He said. "But the paperwork-" before I can ask I was interrupted by him yelling at me "I said you can go now!". My eyes welled up and I quickly collected my stuff and went home.

Abhishek's pov

I kissed her, In the neck. I marked her as mine. I thought I could get her back but I think I just scared her more. While I kissed her she just bolted. It breaks my heart. I took my cigarette and went to the balcony watching the sunset. I heard her voice I didn't want to face her. I know she changed she isn't the girly Rann she is totally changed, she is a.....badass. she never wore inappropriate clothes. I know I changed her but I like this side of her too.

I go inside the office after finishing 5 cigarettes.


Sorry for the late update! I'm just too lazy! I will update soon.

Soooo what will happen to Rann and Abhay looks like both of their plans are not working? Stay tuned

And that is Shubman Gill in the above picture even he is a under-19 Indian cricketer.

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