CH - 3

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Rann's pov

I dropped the stick I was holding as soon as I saw Abhay and Shub?
I totally ignored Shub's presence and stared Abhay. He still had his white shirt from the morning. He was dripping wet and his white shirt showed off his his abs I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly toned body. His hair was wet and messy. He looked like a movie star. Staring at him? I can do this all day.......

I was suddenly wrapped by strong and wet arms. It was Abhay's. He
hugged me like a little boy hugging his
favourite robot while sleeping. I melted in his hug. "I was so worried about you" he said. His words woke me from my trance and I quickly pushed him out of the door and closed it. I turned around to see Shub and Shrea having hot and steamy make out session I clapped my hands near them and they quickly pulled away. Even Shub was very wet, wtf is happening here!?
"Shrea this is not a time for this you can have this later and shubman get out before I do something everyone will regret" I said. Shub sighed at me and turned to shrea and said "shrea-"


Shrea slapped Shub and ran out of the Shub following her behind. The main door was opened by now and Abhay was still standing there with his head hanging down. He slowly lifts head up and we make eye contact. His eyes are red rimmed, did he cry?!

"Rann..." He said, his voice sounded broken. But I don't care he doesn't deserve me.

I shut the door in his face run to the bed and cried my eyes out.
I totally forgot about shrea and doze off while crying.


The next morning I woke up at 6:30 to the sound of my alarm and replayed  what happened last night as much I'm worried what happened with Abhay, I slap my forehead remembering I locked Shrea outside the house I rush out of my room when I was about to open the main door the smell of break fast hit my nose.

I peeked into the kitchen to see shrea sitting in the kitchen stool eating her breakfast and staring at something. Her face was still puffy meaning she cried all morning.

I entered the kitchen and apologized "Sorry I didn't come after you I was busy with my own problem" she nodded and said "you look like a mess, you cried all night right?". I smirk and said "your face speaks too". She chuckled slightly and said "we have boy problems". Suddenly something striked my mind "don't you and Shub have feelings for each other, then what's the problem?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed.
She looked down at her plate slightly  smiling she said "you think I didn't confess to him because of the bet" "yes?". She chuckled slightly and said "no Rann he knew about the bet only two days before we knew". I gasp at her words and asked what was the actual trouble and she said "the actual reason was the day before we knew about the bet, I saw Shub kissing some other chick, so I thought he didn't have feelings for me, but before Abhay confessed about the bet, Shub already asked me out and that one reason was enough for me to judge that he was player, but you were already broken so I didn't want to give you extra pressure so I never told you and yesterday my emotions burst out and ran away from everyone but thank god he didn't find me I was at the nearby park for some time and came home at 1am, you locked me out so I used the key we hid in the flower pot". I slowly nodded processing all the information. "And Abhay told you join at work today at sharp 8:30" shrea informed me. I nodded at her and went inside my room to get ready as much as I didn't want to see him, I am not showing my vulnerability.

So I get ready for my first day at work in the sexiest formal outfit with a dark red lipstick. Yes Rann is hatching a evil plan.

I walk inside the company's tower swaying my hips as I see all the men's mouth wide open. I smirk at everyone  walk towards Abhay's office. My office was a attached room to his office but he preferred his assistants to stay in the other desk in his office for god knows what.

I open the door to Abhay's office........


I will update the next chapter soon bye!!

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