CH - 6

515 19 2

Rann's pov

Abhay saw me with pure shock in his face. His shirt was undone......
Maybe I interrupted something.
That girl just gave me a smirk.

I eyes welled up when I saw him with his girlfriend or slut or whoever she is.

"Sorry I should've knocked" I said quickly averting my gaze.

I went near the desk feeling extremely uncomfortable I said "I left my purse sorry to interrupt"

I quickly grabbed my purse and went to the door.


I cut off Abhay by saying "have a nice time Mr.Sharma". I said and gave him a sad smile.

I came outside crying.

I ran to the elevator I heard footsteps behind me. I know Abhay is following me, With his lame reasons. When I reached the elevator I saw Mayank outside waiting for the elevator. Ok quick intro about Ishan, he was one of my old friends with benefits (after Abhay),  it lasted only for a month, Mayank wanted to get over his girlfriend so... You-know-what. We studied at the same college.  So even Abhay knew about our relationship later but he wasn't able to do anything. Mayank and Abhay are business partners now. The surprising thing was they are always calm and composed,  they don't show hate at college times too. I found out about their partnership last week when I was going through some files. So it's no surprise if I see him.

"Hey Rann!....hey what's with the tear-"

I didn't let Mayank finish his words. This was my chance to get back Abhay. I ran to Mayank and smashed my lips to his. To my surprise he gave in. I made out with him till my lips swelled and were red.

I turned to see a shocked Abhay. He quickly turned and walked away. 

I turned to see Mayank raising an eyebrow and said "Boyfriend issues?"

My eyes widened and i quickly shaked my head no.
We both got into elevator. "I'm so sorry Mayank I shouldnt have done that without your permission". He nodded understandingly. 

We got out of the elevator and he offered me to ride me home but I denied it as I brought my car.

I drove home.

I rang the bell few times i need a biiig break from everything. Literally everything.

Shrea took a long time. I got soo frustrated and i started banging the door.
Then I remembered that i had the keys in my bag.

I opened the door to see.....

Hiiiiii ppl❤️❤️❤️
Sorryyyy I know it's been a very looooong time and sorry this chapter is too short too. I'll try to update soon.

What do you think happened to shreya?!

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