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Shreya's pov

I was drooling over Tom Holland's pictures, isn't he the hottest person in the world. While I was checking him out the doorbell rang, I groaned and rolled off of my bed and made my way to the the door. When I opened the door, Rann stood there with her head held down. I soon found out what happened and said "OH EM GEEEEE...did the brainless bad gal spoil her chance for the job HAHAHAHA". But soon when she faced me I regretted what I said.
Her face was puffy and her eyes were red rimmed with her makeup smeared. As soon she saw me she hugged.

Rann is not a person who cries or hugs maybe she used to be. She last cried 4 years back when she went under depression. She moved on but not as the girly girl but a new badass bitch.

I was very confused until she said "" She cried soo hard on my shoulder, My eyes widened at the mention of his name and he kissed her?! Wtf is going on.

I took Rann in calmed her down and she told me everything that happened. I really wanted to punch that doofus, son of a girl dog, that puny idiot, that...butthole!

Rann was now back to her 'ole bad gal meh' form. I wanted to make Rann laugh soo badly. I took my phone and called Abhay, we all studied in the same University so I had his contact. Rann had no Idea what I was gonna do she just sat next to me in the couch and stared at me with a smirk in my face I called Abhay and put the call in speaker. After what felt like decades but only 6 rings he picked the call "Hello" he said, here goes nothing "yo sucker what do ya think of yourself motherfucker?". Rann with eyes widened started laughing but she didn't stop me. Abhay sighed and said "shrea I know it's you" "no it's her grandma's mon aunty's uncle's son TOM FREAKING HOLLAND and don't 'shrea' me only bubbly wubbly darling Rann has the rights to call me that" I said with sass Rann couldn't stop laughing. He slightly chuckled and said " I thought Shub can call you like that?" I blushed at his mention.

I used to have a crush on Shubman Gill who was one of our friends. I was about to ask him out, but then Abhay revealed about this bet and Shub was as filthy as Abhay.

I quickly said "STFU! You can't talk to the Sass Masta like that! You chickenhead!"
"You still have feelings for him hmm"
He said. I was starting to get angry I started yelling in the phone saying "whatever idc about him or ya"
"Then why did ya call did Rann babe missed me and is soo shy to talk to me? Btw fyi I'm gonna reveal something you didn't know even Shub had feelings for ya when he was about to ask you out. You and Rann told us that it was a sin meeting us and poor boi still didn't recover and tell Rann to join at work tomorrow 8:30 sharp".
My heart sank at his words but me being the bold one said "yeah yeah both don't deserve us and why I called you was for " before saying I smirked very hard "Rann doesn't give a shit about your stupid, puny kiss and we are doing a random hook up tonight and she is already in the room with some guy, mine is waiting soo bye" I cut the call turned around to see Rann smirking and said "never knew you were so badass but we don't have any guys right now". I scrunch my face in disgust and said "I told it to just to make him possessive you idiot" she laughed and I said we will have movie night with chocolate ice cream as it is raining outside!!"

Rann's pov

I laugh at shreaya she is my lifeline I wouldn't have gone through this much without her. We were halfway through insidious when the doorbell rung continuously. It was like 12:05 who would be here at this time. Shrea went to open the door with me behind with a stick in my hand for safety when she opened the door I dropped my stick to see a very furious and sad Abhay with Shub?


Soooooo  Shubman Gill is also a under-19 Indian cricketer. I will update soon.

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