Today we got the special chance to interview the main character- Amamiya Mai! Here's her answers to the questions we asked!!
1. How old are you?
A: I’m currently 12 years old, and a first year at Celestial Academy!
2. Where are you from?
A: I’m from Amajuku City! But currently, I’m living in Tsukizumi City, and in Celestial Academy!
3. What is your power?
A: My… heh? I’m not sure I entirely understand, but apparently my smile is highly infectious, if that counts?
4. What kind of occupation are you most likely to chose?
A: Well, if I can’t be an idol with everyone forever, I think I’d like to run my own confectionary! It may be a bit cliche, but I love to bake, and I love to make people smile, so making people smile with my baking would be great!! I'd also like to be a teacher too, especially with small children! Or maybe a designer… ahhh, I have no clue >A<
5. Do you plan on raising a family?
A: Ehhh?? I haven’t really paid any thought to that at all… aren’t idols forbidden from love?? Ah, even just thinking about love is embarrassing >////<
6. What is your favorite subject in school?
A: Well, including ‘idol subjects’, I actually really love to learn the theory behind Aikatsu! How the system works, how to best bring out your appeal… it’s just so interesting!
7. What kind of people do you get along best with?
A: Hmmm, well I get along with a lot of people. But, I guess I work best with more graceful, possible mysterious people, such as Kotone-chan, Tsubaki-chan, and possibly even Rina-san!
8. Have you ever dated anyone?
A: All these questions about love are making me blush!! But no, I’ve always been super plain compared to Sachi-chan, and I’m not that interested at the moment^^
9. What do you find inspiring?
A: When idols perform even during their darkest moments. They work so hard for their fans, and it’s truly beautiful~
10. What is your favorite animal?
A: Hmmmmm… mice are cute!
11. Are you laid-back or a control freak?
A: Ah, I’m not really sure. I suppose laid back? But then again, Hina-chan and Rina-san are always getting at me for working TOO hard… hmmm...
12. What instrument do you like best?
A: Does… do vocals count? I really love the pure amount of emotion you can convey with your voice, it’s truly amazing. Though I may be biased^^’
13. What is your special talent?
A: Do I have a special talent? I really hate looking into myself so deeply but I guess it’d be… baking? Aside from being an idol, I guess^^
14. How often do you go shopping, and what are you most often shopping for?
A: I love to go shopping! I mostly shop for new coords, and merch of my favorite idols! Though, I hardly ever go to big shopping centres.
15. Which is your favorite holiday?
A: Ahhh, I can’t decide yet again! Maybe… valentines day? It’s so great how everyone shares their love with each other, it feels so warm and fuzzy.
16. What is your favorite sport?
A: I’m not athletic at all! I’ve ran the school tracks at least a million times though, so I guess my favorite has to be running.
17. What are your hobbies?
A: I love to bake, sing, dance, and just overall have fun with my friends.
18. Do you have any siblings?
A: I’m actually an only child! Though, Ruka-chan is pretty close to a sister.
19. What would you do with one thousand dollars?
A: Travel around the world, to spread the joy of Aikatsu, and possibly even learn new types of Aikatsu~
20. If you could go traveling anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A: I would go to… ah, I want to travel it all ><
21. Would you be more likely to participate in 'Survivor' or 'Project Runway'?
A: I’m not sure what either is but… Project Runway. Modelling is a part of an idol’s job and I’m too much of a coward to survive anything.
22. If you were stranded on an island with one other person, who would it be?
A: Tsubaki-chan is really resourceful! But Kotone-chan knows a lot. And Rina-san is really responsible. And Aya-senpai is creative enough to think of some really creative way to get us off. But I can’t just leave Papa! Such a hard decision ><
23. What is your first childhood memory?
A: I remember I hurt myself when I was younger, started crying, when Mama comforted me and sang to me. Her voice was really beautiful...
24. If you could time travel, what year/ era would you go to?
A: I would love to see when Mama was my age! It may not be as exciting as thousands of years ago, but I’d love to see what middle school was like for her!
25. Do you have a favorite quote, saying or joke?
A: Hmmmmm… not really, but I guess I’ll just say, please remember to smile! It really has a great effect^^

Aikatsu Crescent☆The Other Side Of The Moon
RandomA book full of interesting information about AiKure! From character profiles, artwork, songs, interviews, the sky's the limit! Will updated at least once between each chapter of the core story, possibly more. Will contain spoilers up to the most rec...