Lily Mirror Coord

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Today, we'll be taking a look at the lily Floret Premium Rare, which debuted in phase 58.

As this coord belongs to the one and only Nanatsuki Asuka, it naturally contains quite a few gothic themes within it. However, I also decided to interpret a star theme. After all, Asuka's pre-performance phrase is "My success is written in the stars!". Not only that, but I think it made the coord look a little more unique for a goth coord?? idk

(it ended up overlapping with my brand idea for a s3 chara so... should I just make her a goth too???)

I didnt take many screenshots in tbe end but

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I didnt take many screenshots in tbe end but... here's the lineart. I like the overall shape (even if it was a little simple.. and inspired by a pinterest deess) though I wish ai maybe gave the skirt more layers? Just to make it look more like an actual PR.

(thank the heavens planets prs are so simple....)

Like I said, I didn't take many screenshots

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Like I said, I didn't take many screenshots. Anyway, here's the colours! I went with a dark colour scheme, with bright blue accents and tbe usual white bc the coord isn't fully bloomed. And stars. bc pretty. and also they remind me of an shiraishi. and i love an shiraishi.

I added some notes on how to touch up the coord in the 'screenshot' and then

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I added some notes on how to touch up the coord in the 'screenshot' and then... I was finished!

In the actual artwork, I ended up changing the lace back to black though, to make the coord more gothic... not every black area needed to be transformed into white, right?

Name: Forgotton Mirror Coord / Lily Mirror CoordType: CoolBrand: Twilight FortuneRarity: Premium Rare / Floret Premium Rare

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Name: Forgotton Mirror Coord / Lily Mirror Coord
Type: Cool
Brand: Twilight Fortune
Rarity: Premium Rare / Floret Premium Rare

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