Jacob X Reader - It's Over.

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Haha. This isn't a breakup story but it takes place at the end of the Jack The Ripper DLC. You know, when Evie kills Jack and goes over to Jacob yeah that. The top video explains everything and no Jacob didn't die. I almost cried when I saw the ending. Well, enjoy.

Oh, I should mention that there is a good portion of flashbacks in this turd nugget. And I suck at writing so...enjoy!
(3nd POV)

Finding Jack The Ripper was no easy feat. Especially if he has the Sixth Sense that she possessed: Eagle Vision. Why it wasn't easy was because even though she could track him down, he could also track her down. Even though it was dangerous...

It was so worth it...


"As far as I know, you may be the last Assassin in London."

"What do you mean?! Where's Jacob?!"

"I wish I knew. Your brother is nowhere to be found even as an elusive shadow is committing the most hideous crimes the city has ever seen."

"You know, (Y/N) isn't gonna like this." Evie said to Inspector Frederick Abberline.

"Who the bloody hell is (Y/N)?" Asked Abberline.

"(Y/N) is also a Assassin, Inspector. (Y/N) is his wife I mean, did you ever realize that Jacob's married?" Evie explained. (Y/N) poked her head into the doorway when she heard her name.

"I won't like what now? If it's about Jacob then I know"

"So, you know that Jacob was kidnapped by Jack The Ripper?" (Y/N)'s eyes went wide.

"He's WHAT NOW?!" (Y/N) screamed so loud it could've broke a window.

(Jacob's perspective before he got kidnapped by JTR. Still third person)

"Jack, W-We could fix you."

"Fix ME?!..."

Jacob bit his lip and looked at his wedding ring. Memories came flooding back of his wedding day, he would never forget that moment he and (Y/N) has their first dance...

(Flashback within a perspective of a flashback?! *slams book on table* THAT IS MAHOGANY!!)

"This is-This is wonderful Jacob." (Y/N) said as her and her husband Jacob had their first dance as a newlywed couple.

"Why do ya say that darling?"

"Well let's see, I married this man who is perfect..." She started playing with him.

"Well, he sounds like a great guy." Jacob joined in on (Y/N)'s game.

"He really is. He couldn't be any nicer if he tried, not to mention he's bloody hot, he's very brave"

"I wish I could've met this guy. He sounds like a kind of guy and man or woman would love to be with."

"Well, he's pretty lucky because I'm dancing with him right now." Jacob gave one of his iconic smirks and she kissed him on the cheek.

"I knew I made the right choice to ask you on that date."

"I knew I made the right choice of saying yes." They smiled at each other and continued dancing.

(End of this flashback. Time to go see how Jacob and JTR are doing)

Jacob looked back at The Ripper. "Fix ME?! I AM the solution!" Jack's knife went down and there was a scream...

(End of this perspective. Time to go back to the main flashback)

"Please tell me you're joking!" Evie shook her head. "I wish I was. (Y/N)..." She hugged her "...we're gonna find him. But first we need to stop The Ripper before he can do any more damage." (Y/N) shook her head vigorously.

"No. I'm gonna do this on my own." She nodded towards the two of them and ran out the door.

(End of flashback.)

"Jackpot!" (Y/N) whisper-shouted when she saw Jack The Ripper. She sneaked over to where he was standing.

'Just stab him and it will be over' She got out of her crouching position and raised her knife until...

"Not so fast girly!" The Ripper grabbed her wrist and threw her knife in the ground. "Did you think you were gonna kill me that easily?" He took out his knife and pointed it at her neck. An idea popped into her head.

"It depends Jack. We don't even need to fight. Just tell me where Jacob is and we don't have to kill each other." She gave him a swift kick when she said 'kill'. When The Ripper went down, she grabbed her knife but The Ripper grabbed her wrist and pushed her down.

"Just face it," She tried to move her wrists. "you're done for!" He was about to slit her throat until she gave him a kick in the balls. Once The Ripper let go of her she made a beeline for the knife and stabbed his kneecaps.

"YOU WILL NOT MAKE A MONSTER OF ME!" She shouted as she stabbed him 5 more times until she knew he was dead.

"We're the same. You and I." Jack told (Y/N).

"No, Jack. Yes, you were a Assassin, but we are not the same. And that is why your memory must be erased for all time" (Y/N) stepped closer to his ear. "Rest in peace Jack. You and your twisted acolytes." She continued walking until she heard his body drop.

After that ordeal, (Y/N) picked up the nearby lantern and walked into the next room to find her husband.

'Damn, it's so dark I'm here' She thought as she walked to the back of the room. She was able to make out a silhouette in the far back so she went closer.

'No! It can't be' She covered her mouth and gasped.

"JACOB!" She yelled as soon as she saw his state. She ran over to his body and hugged him.

"Oh God! Jacob please be alive!" She started to cry into his chest. She heard muffled voices and turned her head around to see Evie and Abberline.

"What the hell happened here?" Abberline asked (Y/N).

"Nothing Inspector. Nothing happened here. Trust me, Jack The Ripper is dead." Evie and Abberline breathed a sigh of relief. (Y/N) motioned for Evie to come towards her and Jacob. When Evie got to them, she gasped and hugged her younger brother, she bit her lip to prevent her from breaking into tears unlike (Y/N) who had tears streaming down her face.

"Now help me Frederick, no one must ever know that Jack The Ripper was a Assassin." Abberline yelled for his men to go and shut the door behind him. (Y/N) picked her head up from Jacob's chest, put his head in her hands and look at him. She bit her lip to stop her from crying.

"It's over now Jacob." (Y/N) managed to say and held Jacob close.

Ezio: And I thought I was your favorite character!

Me: Yes, you are. But damnit I had nothing and this one popped up.

Jacob: I like it but you do realize that you changed the plot of the story right?

Me: I am well aware that I changed the plot of the story.

Evie: I don't know if I should like it because it's good or hate it because it's about Jacob.

Jacob: Hey!

Altair: So, who's next?

Me: Well Altair, it's your lucky day because you are next!



Other Assassins And Templars: *looks at me then Ezio* DAAAAYYYYMMMMNNN!

Me: Ok, next is really Altair.

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